BBC Learning1 English6 Minute EnglishBFM International Film Festival6 Minute English ?
Yvonne: Hello, I'm Yvonne Archer2 and this is '6 minute English' - and thanks toWilliam Kremer for joining me today.
William: Hello – it's a pleasure!
Yvonne: For fifty-two years, the Times BFI - British Film Institute's London FilmFestival has shown the best new films from around the world. And for the firsttime, the BFM International Film Festival has also been based at the BFI.
William, do you know about the BFM Festival?
William: Umm – I know that it's the Black Film Makers3' International Film Festival.
Yvonne: That's right and to celebrate its tenth anniversary4, the emphasis(重点) of the 2008BFM has been on films made by Black people - who are based here in Britain.
Well, I was lucky enough to get an invitation to the BFM Shorts Awards - butbefore we find out which short film won the award and about the idea behindthis festival – I've a question for you. Yes, are you ready William?
William: Yes.
Yvonne: How long is the shortest film that was ever made? Was ita) one secondb) one minute ORc) five minutes
William: I'm gonna go for a) – one second because even though that sounds too short,sounds very silly, I think the silly answers are usually correct. That's my tacticso I'm gonna go for one second.
Yvonne: ... And we'll find out whether William was right or wrong later on. Now intoday's interview we'll come across the word 'stereotyped5'. William, what doesit mean?
William: Well if someone is 'stereotyped', other people who don't know them have avery strong, fixed6 idea about how they will behave. They're 'stereotyped'
perhaps because of the country they come from, or (from) the colour of theirskin or their religion, for example.
Yvonne: And what are 'platforms for expression'?
William: 'Platforms for expression' in this case, refers to ways and places that artisticpeople can use to share their work and messages. So for example, a cinemascreen or a novel are 'platforms for expression'.
Yvonne: Great! Now as we hear from Nadia Denton, the Director of the BFMInternational Film Festival, try to catch the verb she uses to mean 'highlight7' or'to draw attention to'. I asked Nadia: why is there a separate section for Blackfilm makers within the London Film Festival each year?
NADIA DENTONBecause it's important for us to show case the stories of groups and communities which otherwise would go unnoticed, which don't get the correct representation8 in the mainstream9,who perhaps are stereotyped, who perhaps don't have many other platforms for expression.
Yvonne: William, which verb did Nadia use to mean 'to highlight' or 'to draw attentionto'?
William: 'To showcase' – Nadia explained that it's important 'to showcase' the stories of communities and groups which we don't usually see or hear.
Yvonne: So the BFM Festival is a chance for people who are often stereotyped(定型) and notconsidered or noticed by mainstream cinema to have their work seen.
Now at the BFM Shorts Awards, we saw five new films and voted for the bestone. And the winner was "Win, Lose or Draw" directed by Lawrence Coke. Itwas a wonderful blend10 of story-telling and interviews with Caribbean peoplewho'd arrived in Britain from the 1950s, like my own father. And after theawards, Lawrence explained just how important making the film had been tohim...
LAWRENCE COKEThe whole thing was a very cathartic11 experience on one level because, I always say that theyoung people of today don't understand that they're standing12 on the shoulders of giants.
Yvonne: Making "Win, Lose or Draw" was very 'cathartic' for Lawrence – it allowedhim to express some really deep emotions. But it was cathartic for many of usin the audience too – and educational.
William: And hopefully lots of young people will see the film because Lawrence sees itas a way to help them understand that they and their parents are an importantpart of Britain's history.
Yvonne: Yes – and Lawrence describes our grandparents and parents as 'giants'. Their lives were really difficult but they still tried to help England and make thingseasy for us and their families back in the Caribbean.
LAWRENCE COKEThey were children themselves and they came over to help the mother country because theyfelt it was the right thing to do – leaving children behind, wives, and… I just…I'm in awe13 ofthat.
William: Yes, they were an awesome- amazing group of young people.
Yvonne: They certainly were. My father travelled to England – at the time, known byCaribbean people as 'the mother country' – and he came here at the age oftwenty-one. And like many others from the Caribbean, my father simply wanted to work hard and earn money. He wanted his parents to have what they needed and he especially wanted his younger brothers and sisters to go to school.
William: So education was really important to them.
Yvonne: Definitely(肯定) because most of them left school and started work when they werefourteen years old. But now, it's time for you to educate us, William!
William: Surely not!
Yvonne: Yes! What was your answer to today's question: how long is the shortest filmthat was ever made?
William: I went for the silly one which was one second.
Yvonne: And you were correct to be silly because you were absolutely right! Anyway,that's all for today's "6 Minute English" from BBC Learning English. Join usagain for more next time.
W/Y: Goodbye!(本文由在线英语听力室整理编辑)

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n.学问,学识,学习;动词learn的现在分词 | |
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n.射手,弓箭手 | |
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n.制造者,制造商(maker的复数形式) | |
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n.周年(纪念日) | |
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adj.(指形象、思想、人物等)模式化的 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.加亮区;v.加亮,强调;[计算机]醒目 | |
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n.表现某人(或某事物)的东西,图画,雕塑 | |
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n.(思想或行为的)主流;adj.主流的 | |
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v.(使)混和,(使)混杂;n.混合物;混和 | |
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adj.宣泄情绪的;n.泻剂 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.敬畏,惊惧;vt.使敬畏,使惊惧 | |
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