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    Frankfurt airport has caused controversy after it painted a section of its car park pink and designated it entirely for the use of women. 法兰克福机场近日将部分停车区涂成粉色并将其指定为女士专用,这一举动引发了广泛...

  • 英国纪念二战胜利70周年

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  • 展品揭露日本731部队的暴行

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  • 《黑客军团》:当罗宾汉变成技术宅

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  • 北京25家公园入选市首批历史名园名录

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  • 谷歌小心!微软推出全新翻译应用

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  • 古巴音乐在美国传播

    From the bolero to the mambo and from the rumba to the salsa, Cuba has a rich heritage of musical talent looking to take advantage of the renewed ties between Cuba and the United States. Since the 1962 U.S. Trade Embargo, musicians in Cuba have strug...

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  • 新西兰新国旗入围设计出炉

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  • 北京将单双号限行15天

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  • 美国学生旅行学习中国文化

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  • 政府鼓励一周工作4.5天

    The new proposal released by the State Council is calling on employers to let their employees start their time off during the summer a few hours early on Friday afternoons, as long as conditions permit. Word of the proposal is being applauded by some...
