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  • NASA发布照片:冥王星 你为什么心碎?

    During a news briefing at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory on Tuesday, NASA scientists revealed what they've gleaned from the latest photos of Pluto. The New Horizons spacecraft was set to make its closest approach of the dwarf planet on...

  • 马拉拉成人礼:开办难民女校

    Celebrating her first day as an adult Sunday, 18-year-old Nobel Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift-giving a girls school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. 周日,诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉优素福扎伊(Malala Yousafzai)迎来了自...

  • 为挖人才,澳在美推投资移民

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  • 中国计划京津冀发展高新技术产业

    Many Beijing-based hi-tech companies specializing in energy efficiency and environmental protection have set up their manufacturing plants in Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province. They are said to be eyeing sufficient bio-fuels and low-cost transp...

  • 旅游业有望帮助中国扶贫

    The National Tourism Administration and the poverty alleviation office under the country's cabinet have announced a joint plan for further development of countryside tourism between 2015 and 2020. The plan is expected to help lift about 12 million pe...

  • 英国人拍视频体验中国高铁:引发全民吐槽

    Video was taken by an UK traveller, showing the boarding procedure, stations, business class lounge, scenery and each of the seating classes on the train. 一名英国游客拍下了这段视频。视频里展示了其乘坐高铁的过程,候车大厅...

  • 别人家的马路:巴黎自行车将被允许闯红灯

    Cyclists in Paris are to be allowed to ride through some red lights in a bid by the mayors office to get more people on their bikes. 在巴黎骑自行车的人将被允许闯一些红灯,市长办公室此举是为了鼓励更多的人骑自行车。...

  • 小米成全球第二大可穿戴设备制造商

    Chinese technology firm Xiaomi has become the worlds second largest wearables manufacturer in less than a year, data shows. 数据表明,中国小米公司用了不到一年的时间成为全球第二大可穿戴智能设备制造商。 Xiaomis rec...

  • 人民币纳入SDR有助国际金融

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  • 中国多地发布高温警报

    The National Meteorological Center (NMC) has issued a yellow alert for high temperatures as China is entering the height of summer. A heat wave will hit central, eastern and northern China today with temperatures in some regions rising to around 40 d...

  • 中国打击非法证券交易行为

    Over 360 companies announced last night they will resume trading on Monday, marking the highest number of resumptions in a single day in recent weeks. Most of the companies say the decision was made as major shareholders increased holdings and compan...

  • 新西兰:网络挑衅将被判刑

    Internet trolls face up to two years' jail in New Zealand under a controversial new law which bans harmful digital communications. 新西兰出台一项尚有争议的新法案,禁止有害数字信息,在网上发布挑衅文字或将入狱两年。...

  • 俄罗斯工业展中国馆开幕

    Models of China's high-speed trains are on display from China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation, one of the participants of this year's trade fair. Zhou Li, head of the science and technology department of China Railway says the trains can bear extre...

  • 上海合作组织取得丰硕成果

    The SCO Development Strategy until 2025 was approved at the summit. It charts out the course of future cooperation between the bloc's member states in terms of politics, security, trade and people-to-people exchanges. It also encourages the member st...

  • 希腊经济在资本管制下挣扎

    ATHENS, July 10 (Xinhua) -- Ever since bank closures and capital controls began in Greece on June 29, Greek businesses have been facing extremely tough times and have reported 1.2 billion euros (1.3 billion U.S. dollars) of losses in two weeks, accor...
