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    A second robot from Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) sent into Fukushima's unit 2 reactor collapsed in less than a month's time due to high radiation levels. 由于辐射程度过高,东京电力公司向福岛2号反应堆派出的机器人在不...

  • 多地为广场舞立规 北京广场舞扰民或受治安处罚

    Starting this month, square dancers in Beijing could risk legal repercussions if they are deemed to be disturbing the peace, Chinanews.com reported. 据中新网报道,从本月开始,北京跳广场舞的人们如果被认定为扰乱治安,则有...

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    SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Researchers have conducted a large, international, multi-institutional study to uncover new information about similarities and differences underlying various neurodevelopmental disorders including autism, intellectu...

  • 世贸:标志性贸易协定生效

    GENEVA, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The World Trade Organisation's (WTO) Director-General announced Wednesday that the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) has entered into force after two thirds of members completed their domestic ratification process. This m...

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  • 世行:政策不确定性影响贸易

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  • Apple Pay在华水土不服 惨遭支付宝微信碾压

    Feb. 18 marks the first anniversary of Apple Pay's entry into China. Despite being the most popular third-party payment service in the U.S., Apple Pay is currently underperforming its expectations in China. 截止2月18日,Apple Pay已经登陆中国...

  • 制霸! 苹果连续10年蝉联'全球最受赞赏公司榜'榜首!

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  • 行政拘留年龄拟降至14岁 有关专家对此反应不一

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  • 3种不用现金的方式就能在“周二回馈日”做出贡献

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  • 2016年第三季度增长最快的应聘工作

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  • 全球最堵15个城市,中国占了6个

    Bangkok has the worst evening rush hour traffic in the world for a second consecutive year, according to GPS manufacturer TomTom. 根据GPS制造商TomTom的数据分析,曼谷已经连续两年成为全球晚高峰最堵的城市。 The results we...

  • 美国发现3个新地球:全都在水瓶座

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