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Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-04-01

时间:2014-07-21 02:25来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

No confirmed clues found to missing flight
Search forces have still failed to find any confirmed clues to the Malaysian flight MH370, now missing for 36 days.
An official with the China Maritime1 Search and Rescue Center says China's vessels2 have been searching in an area of about 25,000 square kilometers, which is in the western part of the search region designated by the Australian authorities.
In the eastern region of about 15,000 square kilometers, vessels from other countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Malaysia, have been in search.
The center has mobilized 63 merchant ships for assistance in the search, covering about 167 thousand square kilometers in total.
China protests Japanese minister's visit to war shrine3
China has protested against a Japanese Cabinet minister's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.
Foreign Ministry4 spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement this once again shows the mistaken attitude of the current Japanese Cabinet toward history.
China has lodged5 solemn representations and protests with the Japanese side.
Japanese Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Yoshitaka Shindo visited the Tokyo shrine that honors executed war criminals on Saturday.
Armed men seize two government buildings in eastern Ukraine
The regional police chief of Donesk has agreed to demands to resign by pro-Russian protesters who occupied his headquarters Saturday, hours after a dozen gunmen seized two buildings in another eastern Ukraine town.
Earlier in the day, about a dozen gunmen seized a state security building and a police station in Slavyansk, a town about 100 km north of Donetsk.
Ukrain says it has dispatched special forces to the scene, adding there is zero tolerance6 for armed terrorists.
Casualties and hostages remain unknown.
Powerful quake of 8.3 magnitude strikes off Kirakira, Solomon Islands
An earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale jolted7 102 kilometers off Kirakira, Solomon Islands, Saturday night.
This powerful quake was followed by another earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale in the vicinity two seconds later.
The Pacific Tsunami8 Warning Center (PTWC) has issued a localised tsunami warning for the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea after the powerful earthquake.
Iran says "no replacement9" for its new UN envoy10 pick
Iran says it does not have any replacement for its newly-proposed UN ambassador who has been denied entry visa by the United States.
An Iranian Foreign Ministry official says Iran will pursue the issue through the available legal mechanisms11 in the United Nations.
The United States has informed Iran that it would not grant a visa to its newly appointed UN ambassador Hamid Aboutalebi, a member of the group responsible for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
21 killed in violent attacks across Iraq
Twenty-one people were killed and 45 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Saturday.
The violence came just 18 days ahead of the landmark12 parliamentary elections on April 30, which is the first in the country since the withdrawal13 of U.S. troops in late 2011.
NW China city rids pollutants14 off contaminated tap water in two districts
Lanzhou city in northwest China's Gansu province cancelled emergency water supply to two districts Saturday night as the contaminated tap water was found safe there.
Crude oil leak from a petrochemical pipeline15 poisoned the water source for a local water plant and brought hazardous16 levels of benzene into the city's tap water on Friday morning, affecting 2.4 million people.
By 11 a.m. Saturday, the environmental monitoring department found no more benzene in four tests of samples taken from two downtown surveillance sites. The city government thus decided17 to stop emergency supply of free drinking water to the two districts.
Traces of benzene, however, were still found in water samples taken in Xigu district, and the government suggested people not to drink the tap water.
New railway under construction in Xinjiang
Construction of a new railway in far west China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous18 Region, which will eventually link the area with Kazakstan, has gotten underway.
The 308 km railway from Karamay to Tacheng will cost over 5 billion yuan (840 million U.S. dollars) and be completed at the end of 2016.
When it opens in 2017, the railway is expected to carry over 10 million tonnes of freight annually19 and, in the long run, annual throughput will top 15 million tonnes.
Shaolin Temple invites calligraphy20 lovers to copy scriptures21
The Shaolin Temple, the cradle of Chinese kung fu, has invited 10,000 lovers of Chinese calligraphy around the world to copy Buddhist22 scriptures by hand.
A grand master of the Buddhist temple in Dengfeng, central China's Henan Province, says the activity will not only preserve classic Buddhist literature, but also help people cultivate themselves in line with Buddhism23 doctrines24.


1 maritime 62yyA     
  • Many maritime people are fishermen.许多居于海滨的人是渔夫。
  • The temperature change in winter is less in maritime areas.冬季沿海的温差较小。
2 vessels fc9307c2593b522954eadb3ee6c57480     
n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人
  • The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons. 90 吨以下的船只可以从这条河通过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 shrine 0yfw7     
  • The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.这处圣地是人们朝圣的目的地。
  • They bowed down before the shrine.他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。
4 ministry kD5x2     
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
5 lodged cbdc6941d382cc0a87d97853536fcd8d     
v.存放( lodge的过去式和过去分词 );暂住;埋入;(权利、权威等)归属
  • The certificate will have to be lodged at the registry. 证书必须存放在登记处。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Our neighbours lodged a complaint against us with the police. 我们的邻居向警方控告我们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 tolerance Lnswz     
  • Tolerance is one of his strengths.宽容是他的一个优点。
  • Human beings have limited tolerance of noise.人类对噪音的忍耐力有限。
7 jolted 80f01236aafe424846e5be1e17f52ec9     
(使)摇动, (使)震惊( jolt的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground. 卡车嘎吱嘎吱地在凹凸不平的地面上颠簸而行。
  • She was jolted out of her reverie as the door opened. 门一开就把她从幻想中惊醒。
8 tsunami bpAyo     
  • Powerful quake sparks tsunami warning in Japan.大地震触发了日本的海啸预警。
  • Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。
9 replacement UVxxM     
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
10 envoy xoLx7     
  • Their envoy showed no sign of responding to our proposals.他们的代表对我方的提议毫无回应的迹象。
  • The government has not yet appointed an envoy to the area.政府尚未向这一地区派过外交官。
11 mechanisms d0db71d70348ef1c49f05f59097917b8     
n.机械( mechanism的名词复数 );机械装置;[生物学] 机制;机械作用
  • The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms. 这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He explained how the two mechanisms worked. 他解释这两台机械装置是如何工作的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 landmark j2DxG     
  • The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。
  • The tower was once a landmark for ships.这座塔曾是船只的陆标。
13 withdrawal Cfhwq     
  • The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.警方被迫进行战术撤退。
  • They insisted upon a withdrawal of the statement and a public apology.他们坚持要收回那些话并公开道歉。
14 pollutants 694861490fe64672170a0da250a277c7     
污染物质(尤指工业废物)( pollutant的名词复数 )
  • Pollutants are constantly being released into the atmosphere. 污染物质正在不断地被排放到大气中去。
  • The 1987 Amendments limit 301(g) discharges to a few well-studied nonconventional pollutants. 1987年的修正案把第301条(g)的普通排放限制施加在一些认真研究过的几种非常规污染物上。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
15 pipeline aNUxN     
  • The pipeline supplies Jordan with 15 per cent of its crude oil.该管道供给约旦15%的原油。
  • A single pipeline serves all the houses with water.一条单管路给所有的房子供水。
16 hazardous Iddxz     
  • These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.这些情况对航海非常不利。
  • Everybody said that it was a hazardous investment.大家都说那是一次危险的投资。
17 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
18 autonomous DPyyv     
  • They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。
  • This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。
19 annually VzYzNO     
  • Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
20 calligraphy BsRzP     
  • At the calligraphy competition,people asked him to write a few characters.书法比赛会上,人们请他留字。
  • His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.他的书法苍劲有力。
21 scriptures 720536f64aa43a43453b1181a16638ad     
经文,圣典( scripture的名词复数 ); 经典
  • Here the apostle Peter affirms his belief that the Scriptures are 'inspired'. 使徒彼得在此表达了他相信《圣经》是通过默感写成的。
  • You won't find this moral precept in the scriptures. 你在《圣经》中找不到这种道德规范。
22 Buddhist USLy6     
  • The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。
  • In the eye of the Buddhist,every worldly affair is vain.在佛教徒的眼里,人世上一切事情都是空的。
23 Buddhism 8SZy6     
  • Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.佛教是在公元67年左右传入中国的。
  • Many people willingly converted to Buddhism.很多人情愿皈依佛教。
24 doctrines 640cf8a59933d263237ff3d9e5a0f12e     
n.教条( doctrine的名词复数 );教义;学说;(政府政策的)正式声明
  • To modern eyes, such doctrines appear harsh, even cruel. 从现代的角度看,这样的教义显得苛刻,甚至残酷。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His doctrines have seduced many into error. 他的学说把许多人诱入歧途。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
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