When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk1 at every corner, 当面临一个巨大的挑战时,失败的可能性貌似在各个角落潜伏着,
maybe you've heard this advice before: "Be more confident." 也许你曾听过这样的建议:“更自信一点!”
And most likely, this is what you think when you hear it: "If only it were that simple." 在你听到这样的建议后,你更有可能会想"如果真有那么简单就好了。"
But what is confidence? 然而,什么是自信呢?
Take the belief that you are valuable, worthwhile, and capable, also known as self-esteem, 相信自己是有价值的,值得被看重的,并且有能力的,也被称为自尊心,
and then empowered by these, act courageously3 to face a challenge head-on. 这些让你变得更有力量,勇敢无畏地直面挑战。
This is confidence. It turns thoughts into action. 这,就是自信。它可以把想法变为实际行动。
So where does confidence even come from? 那么,自信到底从何而来?
There are several factors that impact confidence. 影响自信的因素很多。
One: what you're born with, such as your genes4, which will impact things like the balance of neurochemicals in your brain. 一:先天的因素,就像是基因会影响大脑神经化学物质的平衡。
Two: how you're treated. This includes the social pressures of your environment. 二:别人对待你的方式。这包括你所处环境的社会压力。
And three: the part you have control over, the choices you make, the risks you take, 三:你自己控制的部分,你所做的选择、你要冒的险,
and how you think about and respond to challenges and setbacks. 加上你面临挑战和困难时的想法。
It isn't possible to completely untangle these three factors, 这三个因素密不可分,
but the personal choices we make certainly play a major role in confidence development. 但是我们自己做出的选择其实在树立自信的过程中扮演着更重要的角色。

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n.潜伏,潜行;v.潜藏,潜伏,埋伏 | |
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n.乐观,乐观主义 | |
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ad.勇敢地,无畏地 | |
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n.基因( gene的名词复数 ) | |
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