Fifty-four percent of the world's population 世界上54%的人口
lives in our cities. 居住在城市。
In developing countries, 在发展中国家,
one third of that population 有三分之一的人
is living in slums. 居住在贫民窟。
Seventy-five percent of global energy consumption 全球75%的能源消耗
occurs in our cities, 发生在城市,
and 80 percent of gas emissions 导致全球变暖的气体
that cause global warming 排放有80%
come from our cities. 是来自城市。
So things that you and I might think about 那些你和我可能认为
as global problems, 是全球性的问题,
like climate change, the energy crisis 比如气候变化、能源危机
or poverty, 或者贫穷,
are really, in many ways, city problems. 事实上从很多方面来讲,是城市问题。
They will not be solved 这些问题是不会得到解决的,除非
unless people who live in cities, 居住在城市里的人们——
like most of us, 就像我们在座的大多数——
actually start doing a better job, 真正行动起来,
because right now, we are not doing a very good one. 因为现在我们做的还很不够。
And that becomes very clear 这一点就变得非常清楚了。
when we look into three aspects of city life: 当我们从以下三个方面考察城市生活时,
first, our citizens' willingness to engage 首先是我们的公民参与
with democratic institutions; 民主制度的意愿;
second, our cities' ability to really include 其次是我们的城市能够真正包容
all of their residents; 它所有的居民的能力;
and lastly, our own ability 最后是我们自己
to live fulfilling and happy lives. 能够充实而快乐地生活的能力。
When it comes to engagement, 谈到民主参与意愿,
the data is very clear. 我们有很清楚的数据。
Voter turnout around the world 全世界的选民投票率
peaked in the late '80s, 在上世纪80年代达到峰值,
and it has been declining at a pace 然后以一个前所未有的
that we have never seen before, 速度在下降
and if those numbers are bad at the national level, 如果说这些数字在国家层面已经很坏了,
at the level of our cities, 那么在城市层面
In the last two years, 在过去两年中,
two of the world's most consolidated, 世界上最坚固、
oldest democracies, the U.S. and France, 最老牌的两个民主国家,美国和法国
held nationwide municipal elections. 都举行了全国性的市政府选举。
In France, voter turnout hit a record low. 在法国,投票率再创新低。
not to show up. 不去投票。
In the U.S., the numbers were even scarier. 在美国,这个数字更加可怕。
In some American cities, 在某些美国城市,
voter turnout was close to five percent. 投票率仅仅接近5%。
I'll let that sink in for a second. 我会给大家一点时间消化。
We're talking about democratic cities 我们正在谈论的是那些民主城市,
in which 95 percent of people 而在这些地方,有95%的民众
decided that it was not important 觉得选举他们的领导人
to elect their leaders. 并不是一件重要的事情。
The city of L.A., a city of four million people, 洛杉矶,这座拥有400万居民的城市,
elected its mayor with just a bit over 200,000 votes. 仅仅用20万多一点的选票就选出了市长。
That was the lowest turnout the city had seen 这是这座城市近100年来投票率
in 100 years. 最低的一次选举。
Right here, in my city of Rio, 在这里,我所居住的城市里约,
almost 30 percent of the voting population 还是有将近30%的选民
or stay home and pay a fine 或者待在家里并支付罚款,
in the last mayoral elections. 就在上一次的市长选举中。
When it comes to inclusiveness, 谈到包容性,
our cities are not the best cases of success either, 我们的城市也做得不是很成功,
and again, you don't need to look very far 跟前面一样,你不需要很费力
in order to find proof of that. 就可以看到这样的证据。
The city of Rio is incredibly unequal. 里约是一个非常不平等的城市。
This is Leblon. 这是莱布朗区,
Leblon is the city's richest neighborhood. 莱布朗是这座城市最富裕的社区。
And this is Favela Alem?o. 而这里是阿莱芒贫民窟,
This is where over 70,000 容纳了7万多这座城市
of the city's poorest residents live. 最贫穷的人。
Leblon has an HDI, a Human Development Index, 莱布朗区的HDI,人类发展指数
of 0.967. 是0.967。
That is higher than Norway, Switzerland 这比挪威、瑞士或者
or Sweden. 瑞典的都要高。
Complexo do Favela Alem?o has an HDI of 0.711. 而阿莱芒的人类发展指数是0.711,
It sits somewhere in between the HDI 介于阿尔及利亚和
of Algeria and Gabon. 加蓬之间。
So Rio, like so many cities across the global South, 就像南半球的许多其它城市一样,里约
is a place where you can go from northern Europe 是一个你可以
to sub-Saharan Africa 在30分钟内经历
in the space of 30 minutes. 从北欧到撒哈拉以南的非洲的地方——
If you drive, that is. 当然前提是你自己开车。
And lastly, perhaps most importantly, 最后一点,也可能是最重要的一点,
cities, with the incredible wealth 城市,因其产生的令人难以置信的
of relations that they enable, 人际关系方面的财富,
could be the ideal places for human happiness 可以是人类幸福蓬勃发展的
to flourish. 理想场所。

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adj.阴沉的,凄凉的,令人忧郁的,差劲的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.命令的;强制的;义务的;n.受托者 | |
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v.宣告…无效,取消,废止 | |
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n.经过,运输;vt.穿越,旋转;vi.越过 | |
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