Another example: 还有一个例子
a few years ago I got a call from a man who was 19 years old, 几年前,我接到一个十九岁的男孩打来的电话
who was born a boy, raised a boy, 他生下来是个男孩,也被当作男孩来养
had a girlfriend, had sex with his girlfriend, 后来有了女朋友,也和女友发生了性关系
had a life as a guy 一直过着男孩的生活
and had just found out that he had ovaries and a uterus inside. 但是最近,他发现自己体内有卵巢和子宫
What he had was an extreme form 他所有的是一种很极端的病症
of a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 叫做类固醇21-羟化酶缺乏症
He had XX chromosomes, 他携带XX染色体
and in the womb, 并且在子宫内的时候
And as a consequence, his genitals were masculinzed, 结果就是,他发育了男性生殖器官
his brain was subject 他的大脑接受了
And he was born looking like a boy -- nobody suspected anything. 因此他生下来看起来像个男孩儿--根本没人怀疑
And it was only when he had reached the age of 19 只有当他长到19岁的时候
that he began to have enough medical problems 当他开始遇到生理问题的时候
actually from menstruating internally, 其实是在体内出现月经起
that doctors figured out that, in fact, he was female internally. 医生发现,实际上他的内部是女性
Okay, so just one more quick example 好,我们再来快速的看一个例子
of a way you can have intersex. 另一个可能带来两性特征的情况
Some people who have XX chromosomes 有XX染色体的一些人
develop what are called ovotestis, 会发育一种叫做卵睾的器官
which is when you have ovarian tissue 也就是当卵巢组织
with testicular tissue wrapped around it. 被睾丸组织包裹起来的一种器官
And we're not exactly sure why that happens. 我们还不能确定它的成因
So sex can come in lots of different varieties. 所以说性别可以是很多种形式
The reason 拥有这些身体特征的
that children with these kinds of bodies -- 孩子们——
whether it's dwarfism, or it's conjoined twinning, 不论是侏儒症,或者连体婴儿
or it's an intersex type -- 或者是双性型的——
are often normalized by surgeons 常被外科医生手术纠正的原因
is not because it actually leaves them better off 实际上并不是为了
in terms of physical health. 身体健康
The reason they're often subject to various kinds of surgeries 他们接受各种外科手术的原因
is because they threaten our social categories. 是因为他们受到我们社会上对人分类的威胁
Or system has been based typically on the idea 或者说社会上已经有一个典型的认识
So we have the concept that what it means to be a woman 因此,我们的概念就是作为一个女人
is to have a female identity; 就必须有女性的特性
what it means to be a black person is, allegedly, 以此类推,一个黑人
is to have an African anatomy 就得具有非洲人的身体结构特征
in terms of your history. 在你的履历中
And so we have this terribly simplistic idea. 因此我们就有了这种过于简单的认识
And when we're faced with a body 当我们面对一个
that actually presents us something quite different, 某些方面是与众不同的身体的时候
it startles us in terms of those categorizations. 那些不能归类的想法让我们感到吃惊
So we have a lot of very romantic ideas in our culture 因此我们的文化中有很多天真的想法
about individualism. 是关于个人主义的
And our nation's really founded on a very romantic concept of individualism. 并且我们国家建立在一个非常不实际的个人主义的概念上的
Well you can imagine how startling then it is 好,你可以想象那多么令人震惊
when you have children that are born 当你的两个孩子
who are two people inside of one body. 出生的时候是在一个身体中的
Where I ran into the most heat from this most recently 我最近一次遇到这种情况是
was last year the South African runner, Caster Semenya, 去年的时候,非洲田径运动员,卡斯特尔·塞门亚
had her sex called into question at the International Games in Berlin. 在柏林国际比赛中被质疑性别问题
I had a lot of journalists calling me, asking me, 许多记者给我打电话,问我
"Which is the test they're going to run “他们会用哪种检测方法
that will tell us whether or not 来向大家证明
Caster Semenya is male or female?" 卡斯特尔·塞门亚是男还是女?”
And I had to explain to the journalists there isn't such a test. 于是我不得不跟他们解释说,根本没有检测的方法
In fact, we now know 事实上,我们现在已经了解
that sex is complicated enough 性别是非常复杂的
that we have to admit 我们不得不承认
nature doesn't draw the line for us between male and female, 大自然根本就没有一个明确的分界线来区分男性或女性
or between male and intersex and female and intersex; 或者男性和双性以及女性和双性
we actually draw that line on nature. 这条分界线实际上是我们自己画的
So what we have is a sort of situation 因此我们现在的情况是
where the farther our science goes, 科学越发展
the more we have to admit to ourselves 我们越得承认
that these categories 这些性别的分类形式
that we thought of as stable anatomical categories 也就是我们认为很理所当然的身体结构学上的分类
that mapped very simply 是过于简单地
to stable identity categories 给特性分了类
are a lot more fuzzy than we thought. 实际情况要比我们想象的模糊的多
And it's not just in terms of sex. 并且这不仅仅是关于性别的问题
It's also in terms of race, 也同样是关于种族的问题
which turns out to be vastly more complicated 这个复杂程度
than our terminology8 has allowed. 远不是我们的学术语言所能形容的

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n.腺( gland的名词复数 ) | |
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adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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adj.激素的 | |
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n.组成部分,成分,元件;adj.组成的,合成的 | |
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n. 荷尔蒙,激素 名词hormone的复数形式 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.解剖学,解剖;功能,结构,组织 | |
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n.术语;专有名词 | |
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