But my story goes beyond this moment of truth of mine. 但我的故事并没有就此结束
Allow me to give you a briefing 让我来简洁地
about my story. 介绍一下我整个的故事吧
It was May, 2011, 那是在2011年5月
and I was complaining to a work colleague 我在跟我的同事抱怨:
about the harassments I had to face 为什么找个交通工具回家
trying to find a ride back home, 总会碰到骚扰
As long as I've known, women in Saudi Arabia 我早就知道,沙特阿拉伯的女性
have been always complaining about the ban, 对于禁止驾车这条禁令一直很不满
but it's been 20 years since anyone 但自上次有人试图打破这个禁令
tried to do anything about it, 已经过了20年
a whole generation ago. 那是一代人以前了
He broke the good/bad news in my face. 他打断了我的犹豫
"But there is no law banning you from driving." “但是没有成文的法律规定你不能开车啊”
I looked it up, and he was right. 我查了查,他是对的
There wasn't an actual law in Saudi Arabia. 在沙特阿拉伯并没有这么一条法律
It was just a custom and traditions 禁止妇女开车是一种习惯和传统
and imposed on women. 并强加在妇女身上
That realization3 ignited the idea of June 17, 意识到这个之后,我们准备在6月17号做些举动
where we encouraged women to take the wheel 我们鼓励妇女去接触车
and go drive. 然后开车出去
It was a few weeks later, we started receiving all these 仅仅几个礼拜之后,我们就开始收到这些
A courageous5 woman, her name is Najla Hariri, 有一个勇敢的女性,她叫,纳迦拉,哈里里
she's a Saudi woman in the city of Jeddah, 她是个来自,吉达市的沙特女性
she drove a car and she announced 她去开了车并告诉了人们
but she didn't record a video. 但是她并没有录像
We needed proof. 我们要有身先士卒的证明
So I drove. I posted a video on YouTube. 所以我行动了,往YOUTUBE上传了视频
And to my surprise, 出乎我意料的是
it got hundreds of thousands of views the first day. 第一天就有成千上万的点击
What happened next, of course? 然后呢,意料之中的
I started receiving threats 我开始收到各种恐吓
The Saudi authorities remained very quiet. 沙特当局保持沉默
That really creeped us out. 这出乎我们预料
I was in the campaign with other Saudi women 我在这样一个团队里:
We wanted to know how the authorities 我们好奇,当局将对我们6月17号
would respond on the actual day, June 17, 沙特女性集体出去开车
when women go out and drive. 会有什么反应
So this time I asked my brother 这一次我请我哥哥跟我一起开车
to come with me and drive by a police car. 旁边有一辆警车
It went fast. We were arrested, 它开的很快,我们被抓起来了
signed a pledge not to drive again, released. 在签署了不再开车的保证书之后,我们被释放了
and I was sent to jail. 而我被送进了监狱
I wasn't sure why I was sent there, 我不确定我为什么被关起来
because I didn't face any charges in the interrogation. 因为在询问的时候我没有任何指控
I didn't break a law, and I kept my abaya 我确定我没有触犯法律,而且我始终戴着长袍
It's a black cloak we wear in Saudi Arabia before we leave the house 那是条黑色袍子,我们在沙特阿拉伯出门前要戴着
and my fellow prisoners kept asking me to take it off, 跟我一起被关押的囚犯们让我把黑袍拿下来 (他们觉得我暂时走不出监狱)
but I was so sure of my innocence, I kept saying, 但我确认我是无罪的,所以我不停说
"No, I'm leaving today." “不行,我马上就要走了”
Outside the jail, the whole country went into a frenzy, 监狱外面,整个国家一片混乱
some attacking me badly, 有的人仍在诽谤中伤我
and others supportive and even collecting signatures 也有些人支持我,甚至有人在联名请愿
in a petition to be sent to the king to release me. 想把请愿书给国王,请求释放我
I was released after nine days. 在9天后,我被释放了
June 17 comes. 6月17号终于来了
The streets were packed with police cars 街道上到处是警车
and religious police cars, 和地方警察的车
but some hundred brave Saudi women 但仍有上百位勇敢的沙特女性
broke the ban and drove that day. 在那天打破了这个禁忌,出来开车

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n.执照,许可证,特许;v.许可,特许 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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n.实现;认识到,深刻了解 | |
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n.抢夺,掠夺,强奸;vt.掠夺,抢夺,强奸 | |
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adj.勇敢的,有胆量的 | |
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v.以暴力夺取,强夺( rape的过去式和过去分词 );强奸 | |
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n.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家( activist的名词复数 ) | |
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n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下 | |
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n.无罪;天真;无害 | |
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n.禁忌,禁止接近,禁止使用;adj.禁忌的;v.禁忌,禁制,禁止 | |
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