Namaste. Good morning. 早上好!
I'm very happy to be here in India. 很高兴今天来到印度。
And I've been thinking a lot about what I have learned 过去的十一年,我带着《阴道独白》和V-Day运动,
over these last particularly 11 years 走遍了全球,
with V-Day and "The Vagina Monologues," 我最近也在认真的反思
traveling the world, 这段经历的意义
essentially1 meeting with women and girls across the planet 我遇到了来自全球各地的妇女和女孩
to stop violence against women. 她们都在进行着一场反对妇女暴力的抗争
What I want to talk about today 今天我要讲的,
is this particular cell, 就是这种特别的细胞
or grouping of cells, that is in each and every one of us. 或者说是一群细胞,我们每个人身上都有这个细胞
And I want to call it the girl cell. 我把它命名为“少女细胞”
And it's in men as well as in women. 它存在于女人身上,也存在于男人身上
I want you to imagine that this particular grouping of cells 我想大家可以想象一下这一群的细胞
is central to the evolution of our species 对于我们这一个物种的进化以及延续
and the continuation of the human race. 是起着核心意义的
And I want you imagine that at some point in history 设想一下,在历史上的某一个时刻
a group of powerful people invested in owning and controlling the world 那些通过投资想拥有和掌控世界的人
understood that the suppression of this particular cell, 他们觉得到对于女孩细胞的压制
the oppression of these cells, 以及压迫
the reinterpretation2 of these cells, 对这类细胞的重新的阐释
the undermining of these cells, 以及残害
getting us to believe in the weakness of these cells 会使我们相信这群细胞是没有力量的
and the crushing, eradicating3, destroying, 对这些细胞的压制、消灭以及摧残
reducing these cells, 和消除
which was, by the way, patriarchy. 也恰恰是父权社会之特征
I want you to imagine that the girl is a chip 我希望大家可以把女孩想象成一个芯片
in the huge macrocosm of collective consciousness. 她是我们庞大的集体意识中的一个芯片
And it is essential to balance, to wisdom 她对于保持平衡、延续智慧
and to actually the future of all of us. 以及对于我们所有人的未来都非常重要
And then I want you to imagine that this girl cell 此外,我还希望大家可以想象一下的女孩细胞
is compassion5, 它充满了怜悯
and it's empathy, and it's passion itself, 同情,激情,
and it's vulnerability, 它脆弱
and it's openness, and it's intensity, 也开放而强烈
and it's association, and it's relationship, 它的连结与关系
and it is intuitive. 和它的直觉性
And then let's think how compassion informs wisdom, 让我们再设想一下,同情是如何启迪了智慧
and that vulnerability is our greatest strength, 脆弱恰恰可以成为我们最伟大的力量?
and that emotions have inherent logic, 情感也有内在的逻辑
And then let's remember that we've been taught 此外,让我们不要忘记
the exact opposite by the powers that be, 我们一直以来被灌输的都恰恰是相反的论调
that compassion clouds your thinking, 他们说,同情心会迷惑你的思考
that it gets in the way, 阻碍你的思考
that vulnerability is weakness, 脆弱即劣势
that emotions are not to be trusted, 情感不可信赖
and you're not supposed to take things personally, 对于万事万物,你都不应当凭个人情感去处理
which is one of my favorites. 这个恰恰是我最喜欢的一句话
I think the whole world has essentially 我认为,整个世界都
been brought up not to be a girl. 是在一种“你不应当成为女孩”的教条下成长起来的
How do we bring up boys? What does it mean to be a boy? 我们是怎么把男孩抚养大的?作为男孩以为着什么?
To be a boy really means not to be a girl. 它只意味着,不要成为一名女孩。
To be a man means not to be a girl. 成为男人就是不应当像女孩。
To be a woman means not to be a girl. 成为女人也意味着不应成为女孩。
To be strong means not to be a girl. 坚强也意味着不是女孩。
To be a leader means not to be a girl. 成为领导也意味着不可成为女孩。
I actually think that 我认为,
being a girl is so powerful 成为女孩是非常有力量的
that we've had to train everyone not to be that. 我们还需要训练人们不要成为那样呢
And I'd also like to say that the irony 我想说的是,讽刺在于,
of course, is that denying girl, 我们否认女孩,
suppressing girl, suppressing emotion, 压制女孩,压制情感,
refusing feeling has lead thus here. 这一切把我们带到了这里。
Where we have now come to live in a world where 而我们现今所处的世界,
the most extreme forms of violence, 又恰恰是充满了极端形式的暴力
the most horrific poverty, 我们见证着史上最严重的贫穷,
genocide, mass rapes, 种族屠杀、大规模的强奸,
the destruction of the Earth, is completely out of control. 地球破坏,这些都完全脱离了我们的控制
And because we have suppressed our girl cells 因为我们压制了我们的女孩细胞
and suppressed our girl-ship, 也压制了我们的女孩特质
we do not feel what is going on. 我们根本就体会不到这正在发生的一切
So, we are not being charged with 所以,也没有人要我们对
the adequate response to what is happening. 正在发生的这一切负责

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adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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n.重新解释,纠正性说明 | |
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摧毁,完全根除( eradicate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.同情,怜悯 | |
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n.激进份子,原子团,根号;adj.根本的,激进的,彻底的 | |
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