I found that video very, very thought provoking, 我发现这个视频非常有感染力
and that's why I wanted to bring it here for you guys to see. 于是我把它带来跟大家分享
And what was interesting about it is the obvious choice 我做这个选择很明显
But as you heard, Michael talked about all these other elements as well. 而你们刚刚所看到的,Michael说了其他的元素
Video games give an awful lot of other things too, 电子游戏还有很多其他的方面
The most important one being fun. 最重要的一点就是趣味性
The name of this track is "The Magic To Come." 我们这个主题叫做"即将到来的奇幻旅程"
Who is that going to come from? 谁会是它的制作人呢?
Is it going to come from the best directors in the world as we thought it probably would? 会是世界上最好的导演吗?就像我们想的那样
I don't think so. 我觉得不是
I think it's going to come from the children who are growing up now 我觉得会是现在正在成长的孩子们
that aren't stuck with all of the stuff that we remember from the past. 因为他们的脑子里没有被塞满我们以前被塞满的那些东西
They're going to do it their way, using the tools that we've created. 他们将会用他们的方法,用我们做的那些工具
The same with students or highly creative people, writers and people like that. 学生,善于创造的人,作家等等也是如此
As far as colleges go, there's about 350 colleges around the world teaching video game courses. 到目前为止,全世界大概有350所大学教授游戏课程
Some of the ideas are really dreadful and some of them are great. 有的想法很烂有的却很棒
There's nothing worse than having to listen to someone 被逼无奈去听有的人给你讲一个非常糟糕的游戏点子
try and pitch you a really bad video game idea. 是最让人受不了的事
You're off, you're off. That's it. 到时间了,你该下去了
He's out of time. 他时间用完了
I've just got a little tiny bit more if you'll indulge me. 如果你允许的话,我还想再讲一点
Go ahead. I'm going to stay right here though. 讲吧,不过我就在这儿站着
This is just a cool shot, because this is students coming to school after class. 这是一个很酷的画面,因为学生在放学后回到学校
The school is closed; they're coming back at midnight 学校已经关了,他们在半夜里回来
because they want to pitch their video game ideas. 因为他们想把他们的游戏点子描绘出来
I'm sitting at the front of the class, 我当时就坐在教室最前面
and they're actually pitching their ideas. 他们当时正在描绘他们的点子
So it's hard to get students to come back to class, 让学生放学后回到教室是很难的
but it is possible. 但是是可能做到的
This is my daughter, her name's Emma, she's 17 months old. 这是我女儿,她叫Emma,她有17个月大了
And I've been asking myself, what is Emma going to experience in the video game world? 我一直在问自己,Emma以后将会有什么样的游戏体验呢?
And as I've shown here, we have the audience. 就像我在这里给大家看的,我们有观众
She's never going to know a world where you can't press a button 她未来生活的世界中,只要轻轻按一个键
and have millions of people ready to play. 便有成千上万的人蓄意待发(玩游戏)
You know, we have the technology. 我们已经拥有了技术
She's never going to know a world where the graphics just aren't stunning5 and really immersive. 她未来生活的世界中,电子游戏的画面都将是完美和真实的
And as the student video showed, we can impact and move. 就像那个学生做的视频里展现的,我们可以让游戏感动人
She's never going to know a world where video games 因此她生活的世界中的电子游戏将会是充满感情的
aren't incredibly emotional and will probably make her cry. 很可能会让她哭
I just hope she likes video games. 我就是希望她会喜欢玩游戏
So, my closing thought. 我的总结是
Games on the surface seem simple entertainment, 游戏,表面上看起来是简单的娱乐
but for those that like to look a little deeper, 但是只要你稍微往深处看一点
the new paradigm6 of video games could open entirely7 new frontiers to creative minds that like to think big. 这些新的游戏对于那些善于创新的眼光长远的人来说将会开拓出一个全新的领域
Thank you. 谢谢

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vt.翻晒,撒,撒开 | |
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n.制图法,制图学;图形显示 | |
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adj.沉溺于....的,对...上瘾的 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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adj.极好的;使人晕倒的 | |
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n.例子,模范,词形变化表 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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