We've--No, first of all, New York Magazine always gets it. 我们,不,首先,纽约杂志总是最先得到。
I love them. So we are in the right quadrant. 我爱他们。所以我们是在右边的象限。
We are in the Highbrow, that's daring, that's courageous1, and Brilliant, which is great. 我们是知识分子,有胆量,有勇气,并且有智慧,这相当的棒。
Timidly, we've been higher on the diagonal in other situations, 缺乏自信地说,我们在其它情况下的对角线上的位置也更高。
but it's okay. It's good. It's good. It's good. 但是没关系。这很好,很好,很好。
But here comes the art critic. Oh, that was fantastic. 但是接着出现了艺术评论家。噢,那是奇妙的。
"Sorry, MoMA, video games are not art." “抱歉,现代艺术博物馆,电子游戏不是艺术。”
Did I ever say they were art? I was talking about interaction design. Excuse me. 对不起,我说过它们是艺术吗?我在谈论交互设计。
"Exhibiting Pac-Man and Tetris alongside Picasso and Van Gogh" “在Picasso和Van Gogh的作品旁边展示Pac-Man和俄罗斯方块游戏”
They're two floors away. 他们相隔有两层楼远。
"will mean game over for any real understanding of art." “将意味着游戏结束就会对艺术有任何真正理解。”
I'm bringing in the end of the world. You know? 我将带来世界的尽头,你们知道吗?
And Jonathan Jones is making it happen. Jonathan Jones正在使其发生。
So the same Guardian rebuts, 同样的《卫报》反驳说,
"Are video games art: the debate that shouldn't be. “电子游戏是艺术吗?不该有的辩论。”
Last week, Guardian art critic blah blah suggested that games cannot qualify as art. But is he right? 上周,《卫报》艺术评论家的瞎说表明游戏不可能有艺术资格。但他对吗?
And does it matter?" Thank you. Does it matter? 这重要吗?谢谢。重要吗?
You know, it's like once again there's this whole problem of design being often misunderstood for art, 你们知道,就像再次有这样的设计的整体问题,即设计经常会被误解为艺术,
or the idea that is so diffuse4 that designers want to aspire5 to, would like to be called, artists. 或者普遍流传着这种观点,设计师想要,渴望,喜欢被人叫做艺术家。
No. Designers aspire to be really great designers. 不。设计师渴望成为真正伟大的设计师。
Thank you very much. And that's more than enough. 非常感谢。这就足够了。
without any prompt, came out with this big declaration on why video games belong in the MoMA. 没有任何的提示,发出了这个大宣言,为什么电子游戏属于现代艺术博物馆。
And that was fantastic. And I thought that was it. 这是极了不起的。至少我是这么认为的。
But then there was another wonderfully pretentious7 article 不过又有另一篇极其自命不凡的文章,
that came out in The New Republic, so pretentious, 刊登在《新共和杂志》上,真的非常自命不凡。
by Liel Leibovitz, and it said, "MoMA has mistaken video games for art." Again. 是Liel Leibovitz写的,文章说,“现代艺术博物馆居然把电子游戏误以为是艺术”,再一次出现否定的声音。
"The museum is putting Pac-Man alongside Picasso." Again. “博物馆正在把《小精灵》置于Picasso旁边”,又一次如是说。
"That misses the point." “这样忽略了重点。”
Excuse me. You're missing the point. 抱歉,你们正在忽略重点内容。
And here, look, the above question is put bluntly: 这儿,看,上述问题被直截了当地提出来了:
"Are video games art? No. Video games aren't art “电子游戏是艺术吗?不,电子游戏不是艺术,
because they are quite thoroughly8 something else: code." 因为它们是相当彻底的别的东西:代码。”
Oh, so Picasso is not art because it's oil paint. Right? 噢,所以Picasso不是艺术因为它是油漆,对吗?
And you know what? 你知道吗?
The International Cat Video Film Festival didn't have that much of a reaction. 国际猫的视频电影节并没有引起如此多的反应。
I think this was truly fantastic. 我认为这是十分棒的。
of the Walker Arts Center for putting up this festival, 但我真的很嫉妒沃克艺术中心支持设置这个节日,
because it's very, very wonderful. 因为它真的非常非常精彩。
And there's this Flaubert quote that I love: 引用一句我所钟爱的Flaubert的话,
"I have always tried to live in an ivory tower, “我一直尝试着住在一座象牙塔里,
but a tide of shit is beating at its walls, threatening to undermine it." 但是一股胡说八道的言论在敲打它的墙壁,威胁着要破坏它。”
I consider myself the tide of shit. 我认为我自己就是那一股胡说八道的言论。
You know, we have to go through that. 你们知道,我们必须穿越它。
Even in the 1930s, my colleagues 即使在十九世纪30年代,我的同行们
that were trying to put together an abstract art show 准备举办一个抽象艺术展,把这些类型的作品都汇集起来,
had all of these works stopped by the customs officers that decided12 they were not art. 但是被海关工作人员阻止了,这些人决定着这些作品不是艺术。
So it's happened before, and it will happen in the future, 这样的事情在以前发生过,在将来还会发生,
but right now I can tell you that I am so, so proud to be able to call Pac-Man part of the MoMA collection. 但是现在,我能告诉你们我是如此地骄傲,能把《小精灵》称为现代艺术博物馆藏品的一部分。

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adj.勇敢的,有胆量的 | |
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n.监护人;守卫者,保护者 | |
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n.狂喜;全神贯注;着迷;v.使狂喜 | |
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v.扩散;传播;adj.冗长的;四散的,弥漫的 | |
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vi.(to,after)渴望,追求,有志于 | |
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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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adj.自命不凡的,自负的,炫耀的 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj. 有褶饰边的, 起皱的 动词ruffle的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.感情强烈的;热烈的;(人)有强烈感情的 | |
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矮种马,小型马( pony的名词复数 ); £25 25 英镑 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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