And so I'm going to take a few examples from our work. 我想要举几个我们在研究中发现的例子。
One first saying that I'm sure you all have heard 这第一个说法,我想大多数人都听说过:
is the fact that too much screen time makes your eyesight worse. 看太久屏幕会导致视力下降。
That's a statement about vision. 这是个关于视力的说法。
There may be vision scientists among you. 也许你们中有人是视觉方面的专家,
We actually know how to test that statement. 我们知道如何检验这个说法。
We can step into the lab and measure how good your vision is. 我们可以在实验室中测出你的视力到底怎么样。
Well, guess what? People that don't play a lot of action games, 你猜结果怎么样?不经常玩游戏
that don't actually spend a lot of time in front of screens, have normal, 也不经常看屏幕的人视力正常,
or what we call corrective-to-normal vision. That's okay. 或者说定义为正常。这没什么问题。
The issue is what happens with these guys that actually 现在我们要关注的是那些
10 hours per week, 15 hours per week. 10个小时,15个小时沉迷于游戏的那些人。
By that statement, their vision should be really bad, right? 根据刚才的说法这些人的视力应该很差,对吗?
Guess what? Their vision is really, really good. 你猜怎么着?这些人的视力居然非常好。
It's better than those that don't play. 甚至比那些不玩游戏的人视力还要好。
And it's better in two different ways. 他们视力好体现在两个方面。
The first way is that they're actually able to resolve small detail in the context2 of clutter3, 其一是他们可以在杂乱中看到细节。
and though that means being able to read the fine print on a prescription4 也就是说在看药品说明上的小字的时候
rather than using magnifier5 glasses, you can actually do it with just your eyesight. 不需要放大镜,靠肉眼就能看清。
The other way that they are better is actually being able to resolve different levels of gray. 其二是他们能够分辨不同的灰度。
Imagine you're driving in a fog. 想象一下你在大雾中开车。
That makes a difference between seeing the car in front of you 有分辨灰度的能力能够让你分辨前方汽车,
and avoiding the accident, or getting into an accident. 意味着你是否能避免车祸的发生。
So we're actually leveraging6 that work to develop games for patients with low vision, 我们现在正在用这个发现开发游戏
and to have an impact on retraining their brain to see better. 帮助视力不好的病人重新训练他们的大脑,让他们能看得更好。
Clearly, when it comes to action video games, 通过研究我们很明显地发现,对于玩动作电子游戏的人来说,
screen time doesn't make your eyesight worse. 玩游戏的时间长并不意味着视力变差。
Another saying that I'm sure you have all heard around: 另一个我相信大家都听说过的说法是
Video games lead to attention problems and greater distractability. 电子游戏会让人难以集中注意力。
Okay, we know how to measure attention in the lab. 我们知道怎么在实验室中测量一个人注意力的集中程度。
I'm actually going to give you an example of how we do so. 我将带给大家一个测量的例子。
I'm going to ask you to participate, 我希望大家都能参与进来,
so you're going to have to actually play the game with me. 所以需要大家一起和我做这个游戏。
I'm going to show you colored words. 我将展示一些有颜色的单词。
I want you to shout out the color of the ink. 我希望大家大声说出字体的颜色。
Right? So this is the first example. 明白了吗?马上是第一个例子。
Orange, good. Green. 橙色,很好。绿色。
Red. 红色。
Yellow. 黄色。黄色
Red. 红色。黄色。
Yellow. 黄色。
Okay, you get my point, right? 大家明白我做这个游戏的意思了吧?
You're getting better, but it's hard. Why is it hard? 你们做得越来越好,但是这还是很难。为什么会觉得难?
Because I introduced a conflict between 因为在这个游戏里
the word itself and its color. 文字本身的意思和它字体的颜色是矛盾的。
How good your attention is determines actually how fast you resolve that conflict, 你的注意力有多集中决定了你能多快解决这个矛盾。
so the young guys here at the top of their game probably, like, 所以状态最佳的年轻人们会比
did a little better than some of us that are older. 我们中有些年龄大些的表现好一点。
What we can show is that when you do this kind of task 我们会发现如果
with people that play a lot of action games, 普通人和经常玩游戏的人一起做这个游戏的时候,
they actually resolve the conflict faster. 经常玩动作电子游戏的人能更快地处理其中的矛盾。
So clearly playing those action games doesn't lead to attention problems. 所以很明显地,玩动作电子游戏不会导致注意力产生问题或是更容易分心。

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vt.沉溺(于),纵容,迁就,肆意从事 | |
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n.背景,环境,上下文,语境 | |
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n.零乱,杂乱;vt.弄乱,把…弄得杂乱 | |
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n.处方,开药;指示,规定 | |
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n.放大镜;放大器 | |
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促使…改变( leverage的现在分词 ); [美国英语]杠杆式投机,(使)举债经营,(使)利用贷款进行投机 | |
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