And when Tony said that to me, 当Tony告诉我这些的时候
I thought to myself, "Am I sitting like a journalist? Am I crossing my legs like a journalist?" 我心想,“我坐得像个记者吗?我翘脚翘得像个记者吗?”
He said, "You know, I've got the Stockwell Strangler on one side of me 他说,“我的邻居一边住着斯托克威尔扼杀者案的凶手
and I've got the 'Tiptoe Through the Tulips' rapist on the other side of me. 另一边住着整天哼唱着踮起脚尖穿过郁金香花丛的强奸犯
So I tend to stay in my room a lot because I find them quite frightening. 因为他们其实挺可怕的,所以我大部分时间是在自己房间的
And they take that as a sign of madness. 但他们将此当作发疯的征兆
So only in Broadmoor would not wanting to hang out with serial3 killers4 be a sign of madness. 所以只有在这里,不想和连环杀手交往才是发疯的征兆
Anyway he seemed completely normal to me -- but what did I know? 总之他对我来说完全正常——但我又知道些什么呢
And when I got home I emailed his clinician, Anthony Maden. 当我回到家时我给他的临床医生Anthony Maden发了电邮
I said, "What's the story?" 我问,“这里面有什么故事吗?”
And he said, "Yep. We accept that Tony faked madness to get out of a prison sentence 他说,“对,我们知道Tony装疯以逃牢狱之灾
because his hallucinations that had seemed quite clich to begin with just vanished the minute he got to Broadmoor. 因为起初他陈述的老掉牙的幻想在他踏入布罗德莫精神病院那刻便了无踪影
However, we have assessed him. 但是,我们对他进行了测试
And we have determined5 that what he is is a psychopath." 所以我们才决定把他诊断为精神病患者
And in fact, faking madness is exactly the kind of cunning and manipulative act of a psychopath. 事实上,装疯正是一种精神病患者狡猾和控制欲强的表现行为
It's on the checklist: cunning and manipulative. 它就写在检核表上:狡猾且控制欲强
So faking your brain going wrong is evidence that your brain has gone wrong. 所以假装大脑出了问题,就是你大脑真的出问题的证据
And I spoke6 to other experts, and they said the pinstriped suit -- classic psychopath. 然后我又跟其他专家交流了他们说带条纹的西服——典型的精神病患者
Speaks to items one and two on the checklist 证明了检核表上的第一和第二项
And I said, "Well, what, he didn't want to hang out with the other patients?" 我又说,“好吧,那他不想和其他病人来往又怎么说呢?”
Classic psychopath -- it speaks to grandiosity8 and also lack of empathy. 典型精神病患者——这证明了浮夸和缺乏同理心
So all the things that had seemed most normal about Tony was evidence, 所以那些对于Tony来说都是十分正常的事都是病证,
according to his clinician, that he was mad in this new way. 根据他的医生的说法,这是一种新型的发疯
He was a psychopath. 他就是个精神病患者
And his clinician said to me, 然后他的医生又跟我说
"If you want to know more about psychopaths, you can go on a psychopath spotting course “如果你想多一些了解精神病患者,你可以去参加“观察精神病患者课程
run by Robert Hare who invented the psychopath checklist." 是由发明“病态人格检核表”的Robert Hare授课的
So I did. 我还真参加了
I went on a psychopath spotting course, 我报名参加了“观察精神病患者课程”
and I am now a certified9 -- and I have to say, extremely adept10 -- psychopath spotter. 现在我是一名持证的,不得不说,还挺资深的精神病患者观察员
So here's the statistics: 这有些数据:
One in a hundred regular people is a psychopath 100个普通正常人当中就有一个精神病患者
So there's 1,500 people in his room. 而这个大厅里有1500人
Fifteen of you are psychopaths. 所以当中有15个人是精神病患者
Although that figure rises to four percent of CEO's and business leaders. 并且这个比例会在CEO和商业领导者中上升到4%
So I think there's a very good chance there's about 30 or 40 psychopaths in this room. 所以我觉得这是非常难得的机会,在这个大厅里约有30到40名精神病患者
It could be carnage by the end of the night. 可能在今晚结束的时候会有大屠杀

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adj.远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的 | |
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adj.宏伟的,宏大的,堂皇的,铺张的 | |
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n.连本影片,连本电视节目;adj.连续的 | |
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凶手( killer的名词复数 ); 消灭…者; 致命物; 极难的事 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.花言巧语;口若悬河 | |
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n. 宏伟, 堂皇, 铺张 | |
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a.经证明合格的;具有证明文件的 | |
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adj.老练的,精通的 | |
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