The lady who brought us these photos was lucky, as far as the photos go. 那位给我们这些照片的女士非常幸运,就这些照片而言,
She had started hand-cleaning them herself and stopped 她也开始自己亲手清洗照片,
when she realized she was doing more damage. 直到她意识到她自己清洗其实对照片造成了更多损害。
She also had duplicates1. 好在她有照片的备份,
Areas like her husband and her face, 否则,照片里,她和她先生的脸部
which otherwise would have been completely impossible to fix, 就无法完全修复了。
we could just put them together in one good photo, and remake the whole photo. 我们也因此得以把所有部分整合到一张好的相片里,然后重新制作这张照片。
When she collected the photos from us, she shared a bit of her story with us. 当她从我们这里接过照片的时候,她跟我们分享了一些照片背后的故事。
Her photos were found by her husband's colleagues 她的这些照片其实是由她丈夫的同事发现的,
at a local fire department in the debris 在当地的消防部队的瓦砾下发现的,
a long way from where the home had once stood, and they'd recognized him. 那个地方其实离她家很远,他们居然认出了他。
The day of the tsunami2, he'd actually been in charge of making sure the tsunami gates were closed. 海啸发生的当天,他正在负责确保海啸防御大门处于关闭状态。
Her two little boys, not so little anymore, but her two boys were both at school, separate schools. 她的两个儿子,虽然已经不小了,还在在两个不同的学校上学,
One of them got caught up in the water. 其中一个孩子的学校被海啸冲击到了,
It took her a week to find them all again and find out that they had all survived. 她花了整整一周才找回失散的亲人,当时他们都死里逃生了。
The day I gave her the photos also happened to be her youngest son's 14th birthday. 我们还给她复原照片的那天又恰好是她小儿子的14岁生日!
For her, despite all of this, those photos were the perfect gift back to him, 对她来说,尽管悲催的灾难和种种艰辛,那些照片是给他儿子最好的礼物,
something he could look at again, something he remembered from before 这些照片让他可以重新翻阅,重拾记忆,
when absolutely everything else in his life had changed or been destroyed. 当他生活中的一切都发生了改变,或者说其实是被摧毁了。
After six months in Japan, 在日本呆了6个月以后,
1,100 volunteers had passed through All Hands, “携手志愿者”共有1,100名志愿者加入帮助日本救灾,
hundreds of whom had helped us hand-clean over 135,000 photographs, the large majority 其中几百名帮我们手工清洗超过13.5万张照片,其中的大部分
a large majority of which did actually find their home again, importantly. 其中大部分最终回到了失主手里,这一点也异常重要。
Over five hundred volunteers around the globe 全球超过500名志愿者
helped us get 90 families hundreds of photographs back, fully5 restored6 and retouched. 帮我们找回了90个家庭的数百张照片,这些照片全部被复原、修复。
During this time, we hadn't really spent more than about a thousand dollars in equipment and materials, 在这期间,我们没有为设备或材料花上千元美金,
most of which was printer inks. 大部分是用打印机墨水完成的。
We take photos constantly. 我们时常拍照。
A photo is a reminder7 of someone or something, a place, a relationship, a loved one. 照片是一个提醒和留念,提醒我们一些人、一些事,某个地方、某段感情、某个深爱的人。
They're our memory-keepers and our histories, 它们帮我们记录、保存回忆和我们的过去,
the last thing we would grab8 and the first thing you'd go back to look for. 照片是紧急时刻最容易被我们忽视的,但有时雨过天晴后我们第一个想找回来的东西。
That's all this project was about, about restoring9 those little bits of humanity10, 这就是这个项目的全部,为了恢复人性中的一点小碎片,
giving someone that connection back. 挽回人们与过去的连接点,
When a photo like this can be returned to someone like this, 当这样一张照片重回它的主人身边,
it makes a huge difference in the lives of the person receiving it. 它将带来巨大的不同,为失主的生活带来很大的不一样。
The project's also made a big difference in the lives of the retouchers. 这个项目也为我们这些修图师带来了很大改变,
For some of them, it's given them a connection to something bigger, giving something back, 对一些修图师,这段经历为他们建立了一些联系,联系到一些更宏大的事情,例如回馈社会,
using their talents on something other than skinny models and perfect skin. 施展他们的才能,不仅仅用于苗条的模特,和拥有完美的肌肤的人。
I would like to conclude by reading an email I got from one of them, Cindy, 我想读给大家一封电子邮件作为结尾,我收到其中一封,来自辛迪,
the day I finally got back from Japan after six months. 是六个月之后我从日本回家的那天,
"As I worked, I couldn't help but think about the individuals” 当我在修复那些照片的时候,我不禁想到其中的每个人
and the stories represented in the images. 以及照片中传递的那些故事。
One in particular, a photo of women of all ages, 其中特别是一张,照了各个年龄阶段的女士,
from grandmother to little girl, gathered around a baby, 上至老奶奶,下至小女孩,围着一个小婴儿,
my grandmother and mother, myself, and newborn daughter, hangs on our wall. 我的祖母、母亲和我,围着刚出生的女儿,这张照片挂在我家的墙上,
Across the globe, throughout the ages, our basic needs are just the same, aren't they?" 纵观全球,超越年龄界限,我们有一些最基本的需求亘古不变,不是吗?
Thank you. 谢谢各位!

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n.完全一样的东西,复制品( duplicate的名词复数 );抄件,副本;摹本;翻版v.[遗传学]重复,被复制,复制( duplicate的第三人称单数 );复印;使成双 | |
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n.海啸 | |
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n.汽笛( siren的名词复数 );妖冶而危险的女人;危险的诱惑;塞壬(古希腊传说中半人半鸟的女海妖,惯以美妙的歌声引诱水手,使他们的船只或触礁或驶入危险水域) | |
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瘢痕性的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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v.归还( restore的过去式和过去分词 );交还;使恢复;修复 | |
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n.提醒物,纪念品;暗示,提示 | |
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vt./n.攫取,抓取;vi.攫取,抓住(at) | |
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v.归还( restore的现在分词 );交还;使恢复;修复 | |
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n.人类,[总称]人(性),人道[pl.]人文学科 | |
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n.和弦,和音,弦,心弦 | |
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