The other thing that religions know is we're not just brains, we are also bodies. 宗教还知道我们人类不仅仅有智慧,我们还有躯体
And when they teach us a lesson, they do it via the body. 所以他们通过身体来教会我们道理
So for example, take the Jewish idea of forgiveness. 举个例子,像是犹太人懂得宽容
Jews are very interested in forgiveness and how we should start anew and start afresh. 他们很喜欢饶恕宽让,也喜欢重新有个崭新的生活
They don't just deliver us sermons on this. 他们不仅仅通过传教来告诉我们
They don't just give us books or words about this. 也不仅仅给我们书本去学习
They tell us to have a bath. So in Orthodox Jewish communities, every Friday you go to a Mikveh. 他们告诉我们去沐浴。在正统的犹太社会里,每个星期五他们都去一个池子
You immerse yourself in the water, and a physical action backs up a philosophical1 idea. 让身体浸没在水里,身体上的动作支撑着哲学思想
We don't tend to do that. Our ideas are in one area and our behavior with our bodies is in another. 而世俗的人们不这么做,我们的身体和智慧在不同的世界里
Religions are fascinating in the way they try and combine the two. Let's look at art now. 而宗教却把智慧和躯体结合起来,现在看看我们的艺术
Now art is something that in the secular2 world, we think very highly of. We think art is really, really important. 在世俗的世界里,我们认为艺术是崇高的,我们认为艺术是非常重要的
A lot of our surplus wealth goes to museums, etc. 许多盈余的钱财都花在了艺术馆里
We sometimes hear it said that museums are our new cathedrals, or our new churches. You've heard that saying. 有时候我们听到有人说博物馆是我们新的教堂,你们一定听过这句话
Now I think that the potential is there, but we've completely let ourselves down. 我觉得博物馆是有潜力成为新的教堂,但是我们完全没有那样去做
And the reason we've let ourselves down is that we're not properly studying how religions handle art. 我们让自己失望的原因是我们没有适当地学习宗教的艺术,是我们没有适当地学习宗教的艺术

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adj.哲学家的,哲学上的,达观的 | |
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n.牧师,凡人;adj.世俗的,现世的,不朽的 | |
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