My view is that museums should take a leaf out of the book of religions. 我觉得艺术馆应该向宗教学习
And they should make sure that when you walk into a museum -- if I was a museum curator, 艺术馆应该确保,当游客走进馆内时候--如果我是馆长
I would make a room for love, a room for generosity1. A room.. 我会专门为爱,为慷慨而准备特定的展览
All works of art are talking to us about things. 所有的艺术品都有相同的主题
And if we were able to arrange spaces where we could come across works 如果有更多的空间,我们可以更深刻地了解艺术品
where we would be told, use these works of art to cement these ideas in your mind, we would get a lot more out of art. 用这些艺术来让美好的品德在脑海中变得更加深刻,我们会从艺术中学到更多
Art would pick up the duty that it used to have and that we've neglected because of certain mis-founded ideas. 艺术会让我们重新肩负起曾经被摒弃的责任,那些因为误导而被忽视的责任
Art should be one of the tools by which we improve our society. 艺术应该是一种工具,一种能让社会进步的工具
Art should be didactic. Let's think of something else. 艺术也应该是教化的。现在想想另外的东西
who are interested in matters of the spirit, in matters of the mind, 其中有些人热衷追寻灵魂,喜欢崇高的思想
They're poets, they're philosophers, they're photographers, they're filmmakers. 他们是诗人,哲学家,摄影师,或是电影制作人
And they tend to be on their own. They're our cottage industries. They are vulnerable, single people. 他们凭自己的力量生存下去。他们独立完成工作,他们脆弱,孤单
And they get depressed4 and they get sad on their own. And they don't really change much. 没人分担他们的痛苦不安。然而他们不会做多少改变
Now think about religions, think about organized religions. What do organized religions do? 现在想想那些有组织的宗教。那些有组织的宗教干什么的呢
They group together, they form institutions. And that has all sorts of advantages. First of all, scale, might. 他们聚在一起,他们创造机构。这些都很有益处。第一,他们有规模和力量
The Catholic Church pulled in 97 billion dollars last year according to the Wall Street Journal. 据华尔街日报报道,天主教教堂去年筹了97亿美元
These are massive machines. They're collaborative, they're branded, they're multinational5, and they're highly disciplined. 这些都是有权有势的机构。他们相互合作,有好名望,跨国,他们严谨纪律
These are all very good qualities. 那些都是很优秀的品质

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n.大度,慷慨,慷慨的行为 | |
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n.牧师,凡人;adj.世俗的,现世的,不朽的 | |
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adj.与世隔绝的 | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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adj.多国的,多种国籍的;n.多国籍公司,跨国公司 | |
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