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TED演讲: 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(11)

时间:2018-11-05 05:16来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   So, these are the words I am waiting to hear, but from my son, not my daughter. 这些话是我想听到的,但应该是从我儿子嘴里说出来,而不是我女儿

  But at first I did not know what to do.  刚开始的时候,我真的不知道该怎么办
  But then, over time, I have come to understand that this is who she is.  但过了一段时间,我开始明白了她真的就是这样的一个人
  So, even though sometimes it's still hard,  即便有的时候还是很难接受
  I will share with you that it helps me to realize  我想跟你们分享的是,这件事让我认识到
  society is more tolerant, usually because of places like this,  这个社会越来越宽容,就是因为有像TED1这样的地方
  because of ideas like this, and people like you, with an open mind. 因为有像这样的想法,像你们这样的思想开放的人
  So I think maybe TED, you impact people's lives in the ways maybe even you don't realize. 我觉得TED给我们的生活带来了重大影响,在不知不觉中影响着我们
  So, for my daughter's sake, I thank you for your ideas worth spreading. Thank you. Xie xie. 所以,我要代表我女儿,谢谢你们分享思想之美。谢谢你们
  Good evening. My name is Habbi Belahal.  晚上好,我叫哈比贝拉艾
  And I would like to first of all thank Sarah Jones  我首先要感谢莎拉琼斯
  for putting all of the pressure on the only Arab who she brought with her to be last today. 因为我是她请来的唯一一位阿拉伯人,这给我很大压力,而且我是最后一个发言的
  I am originally from Jordan. And I teach comparative literature at Queens College. It is not Harvard. 我来自约旦,我在皇后学院教比较文学,不是哈佛
  But I feel a bit like a fish out of water. But I am very proud of my students. 我感到有些不适应,但我为我的学生感到骄傲
  And I see that a few of them did make it here to the conference.  我看到他们有些人来到了大会现场
  So you will get the extra credit I promised you.  我保证会给你们加学分的
  But, while I know that I may not look like the typical TED-izen, as you would say,  尽管我知道我看起来不像本地人
  I do like to make the point that we in global society, we are never as different as the appearances may suggest. 我正想说的就是,我们生活在地球村里,我们之间的差异再也不像我们的长相这样差别如此大
  So, if you will indulge me, I will share quickly with you a bit of verse,  如果你们允许的话,我愿意跟你们分享一段诗
  which I memorized as a young girl at 16 years of age.  这是我16岁时就会背的一首诗
  So, back in the ancient times.  那么让我们回到远古年代


1 ted 9gazhs     
  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
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