Coincidence to me has a much simpler metric. 对我来说,巧合有一个非常简单的魔力。
That's like me telling you, "Hey, you know the Nobel Prize was established in 1901, 比如,我对你说,“嗨,诺贝尔奖是1901年建立的,
which coincidentally is the same year Alberto Giacometti was born?" 那正巧合是阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂出生的那年。”
No, not everything fits so tidily into the paradigm, 并不是一切都正好整齐地组合进一个模式,
but that does not mean there's not something going on at the highest possible levels. 但这并不说明其在高深之处没有什么奥妙。
In fact there are people in this room who may not want me to show you this clip we're about to see. 事实上,这个屋里的很多人也许不乐意我给你们看这段你们将要看到的录像。
We have a tennis court, a swimming pool, a screening room -- 我们有一个网球场,一个游泳池,一个放映室--
You mean if I want pork chops, even in the middle of the night, your guy will fry them up? 你说我半夜三更要吃排骨?你的人会帮我烤好,是吧?
Sure, that's what he's paid for. 是,他收了钱就要会办妥事。
Now do you need towels, laundry, maids? 你需要浴巾,洗衣和女佣吗?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait -- let me see if I got this straight. 等等等等,让我核对一下
Homer, please. Homer,够了。
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me see if I got this straight, Matt. 等等等等……让我再确定一下,Matt.
When Homer Simpson needs to imagine the most remote possible moment of not just the clock, 当Homer Simpson需要不仅在钟上,而且在整个年历上想象一个
but the whole freaking calendar, he comes up with 0400 on the birthday of the Baby Jesus. 最不可思议的时刻时,他想到了0400,而且在耶稣的生日那天。
And no, I don't know how it works into the whole puzzling scheme of things, 不,我不知道这是怎么回事。这是个令人费解的谜,
but obviously I know a coded message when I see one. 但是显然,当我看见一个密码信号的时候我准认得。
I said, I know a coded message when I see one. 我是说,当我看见一个密码信号的时候我就能把它认出来。

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n.隆隆声;吵嚷;v.隆隆响;低沉地说 | |
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