And we see these amazing structures -- these little knots of two colors of thread we call "social hot spots." 我们看见令人惊讶的结构,这是两种颜色的小结点,我们把它称为社交热点
The spiral thread we call a "solo hot spot." 那些螺旋线我们称为单一热点
And we think that these affect the way language is learned. 我们觉得这个影响语言学习
What we'd like to do is start understanding the interaction between these patterns and the language that my son is exposed to 我们要做的是开始去了解这些模式与我儿子接触的语言间的关系
to see if we can predict how the structure of when words are heard affects when they're learned 看我们是否能预测什么时候听到怎样的单词结构,会影响到什么时候学会字词
so in other words, the relationship between words and what they're about in the world. 换句话说,就是词汇和他们所表示的世界的关系
So here's how we're approaching this. 这是我们的解读方法
In this video, again, my son is being traced out. He's leaving red ink behind. 在这个录像中,同样是跟踪我的儿子。他留下了红色的轨迹
And there's our nanny by the door. 我们的保姆在门边
You want water? All right. 你要喝水妈?好。
She offers water, and off go the two worms over to the kitchen to get water. 她给他水,然后两条时空虫开始移动到厨房拿水
And what we've done is use the word "water" to tag that moment, that bit of activity. 同时我们所做的就和“水”这个词联系上了,随着一些动作
And now we take the power of data and take every time my son ever heard the word water and the context he saw it in, 然后我们用数据的力量,每次我儿子听到水这个字以及他看见的情景
and we use it to penetrate1 through the video and find every activity trace that co-occurred with an instance of water. 我们利用这些来分析整个影片,找到每个跟“水”字出现时发生的活动
And what this data leaves in its wake is a landscape. We call these wordscapes. 这个数据勾勒出了这么一幅风景。我们把这个叫做词景
This is the wordscape for the word water, and you can see most of the action is in the kitchen. 这是水字的词景,你可以看见大多数行动是在厨房。
That's where those big peaks are over to the left. 就是左边的这些高峰。

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v.透(渗)入;刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解 | |
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