Third, that thou shall have reverence1. 第三,诸位应心存尊敬。
This one was unexpected because I started the year as an agnostic, 这是个意外的体会。因为我刚开始是一个不可知论者,
and by the end of the year, I became what a friend of mine calls a reverent2 agnostic, which I love. 但是到这一年结束时,我变成一个虔敬的不可知论者。我的朋友这样叫我,我喜欢这样的称号。
And I'm trying to start it as a movement. So, if anyone wants to join, the basic idea is, 然而我尝试把虔敬变成一种风潮。所以如果有任何人想参与,基本的构想是,
whether or not there is a God, there's something important and beautiful about the idea of sacredness, and that our rituals can be sacred. 不论有没有上帝,我们都有一些重要且美好神圣想法,而且,我们的仪式是神圣的。
The Sabbath can be sacred. This was one of the great things about my year, doing the Sabbath, 安息日是神圣的。我的这一年中的一件大事是守安息日,
because I am a workaholic, so having this one day where you cannot work, it really, that changed my life. 因为我是一个工作狂,所以有这样一天我不能工作--这着实改变我的生活。
So, this idea of sacredness, whether or not there is a God. 所以,这是一个神圣的观念,无关于有没有神。
Thou shall not stereotype3. This one happened because I spent a lot of time with various religious communities throughout America 诸位切莫墨守陈规。这个体会来自于我花了许多时间参加美国各地的不同的宗教团体,
because I wanted it to be more than about my journey. I wanted it to be about religion in America. 因为我希望这不是个人的旅程,而是体验美国宗教的经验。
So, I spent time with evangelical Christians4, and Hasidic Jews, and the Amish. 所以我花时间在福音派基督教、哈西德教派,阿米绪教派。
I'm very proud because I think I'm the only person in America to out Bible-talk a Jehovah's Witness. 我很自豪,因为,我认为我是美国唯一能够说倒“耶和华见证人”的人
After three and a half hours, he looked at his watch, he's like, "I gotta go." 过了三个半小时,他看着他的手表,他说:"我必须走了。"
Oh, thank you very much. Thank you. Bless you, bless you. 噢,非常谢谢你。谢谢你。祝福你,祝福你。

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n.敬畏,尊敬,尊严;Reverence:对某些基督教神职人员的尊称;v.尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 | |
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adj.恭敬的,虔诚的 | |
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n.固定的形象,陈规,老套,旧框框 | |
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n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) | |
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