Now one of the things that I do is I don't use any filters1, I don't use anything to 我录制的所有视频都没有做过特效处理,什么处理都没有
I try to capture2 the moment as much as possible as the way that I saw it with my own eyes. 我希望自己录制的视频能够最大程度的还原我眼睛看到的样子。
I started a rule of first person perspective3. 我一开始就用第一人称视角拍摄。
Early on, I think I had a couple of videos where you would see me in it, but I realized that wasn't the way to go. 早先我想过用两个摄像机,其中一个把我录进去,但是后来觉得这不是我想要的。
The way to really remember what I saw was to record it as I actually saw it. 真正记录我的生活的方法,是记录我实际看到的样子。
Now a couple of things that I have in my head about this project are, 现在关于这个项目,我有的一些想法是,
wouldn't it be interesting if thousands of people were doing this? 如果很多人都一起做这件事情,会不会很有趣?
I turned 31 last week, which is there. 视频里是上周我刚满31岁的样子。
I think it would be interesting to see what everyone did with a project like this. 我想如果每个人都像我这么做,那一定会非常的有趣。
I think everyone would have a different interpretation4 of it. 我相信每个人都会有自己的解读。
I think everyone would benefit5 from just having that one second to remember every day. 我相信每个人都会从他们每天一秒钟的视频记录中获益。
Personally, I'm tired of forgetting, and this is a really easy thing to do. 就我而言,我不喜欢忘记过去,而录制视频是非常简单的事情。
I mean, we all have HD-capable cameras in our pockets right now 我们每个人的口袋里都有一台能录制高清视频的摄像机
most people in this room, I bet--and it's something that's 我打赌绝大多数人都有--或者有类似的东西
I never want to forget another day that I've ever lived, 我再也不想忘记我生活过的任何一天,
and this is my way of doing that, and it'd be really interesting also to see, 这是我记住过去方式,一定非常有意思的就是
if you could just type in on a website, "June 18, 2018," 如果你能够在一个网站上输入“2018年6月18日”,
and you would just see a stream of people's lives on that particular day from all over the world. 然后就能看到全世界无数的人在那天的生活视频。
And I don't know, I think this project has a lot of possibilities, 我不知道,我觉得这个项目有很多可能性,
and I encourage you all to record just a small snippet of your life every day, 我号召你们每个人每天都录制自己的一小段视频,
so you can never forget that that day, you lived. Thank you. 这样你就不会忘记你生活过的日子。谢谢。

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过滤( filter的名词复数 ); 滤光器; (香烟头上的)过滤嘴; 交通红灯指示不得直行的同时 | |
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vt.捕获,俘获;占领,夺得;n.抓住,捕获 | |
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n.视角,观点,想法 | |
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n.解释,说明,描述;艺术处理 | |
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n.好处,益处,福利;vt.有益于,对…有益;vi.受益于 | |
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