What they need is an environment to be able to do that. 他们只是需要一个场合来吐露心声。
What they need is a redefined medical culture. 他们需要的是一个重新定义的医学文化。
And it starts with one physician at a time. 从一位又一位个别的医生开始。
The redefined physician is human, knows she's human, accepts it, isn't proud of making mistakes, 重新定义过的医生也是人类,明白她自己是人,并接受这个事实,她并不觉得犯错误是光荣的,
but strives to learn one thing from what happened that she can teach to somebody else. 却可以从其中学习,并教于他人。
She shares her experience with others.She's supportive when other people talk about their mistakes. 她会与他人分享她的经验。并在别人谈论自己过错的时候给于支持。
And she points out other people's mistakes, not in a gotcha way, but in a loving, supportive way so that everybody can benefit. 她不会有一种落井下石的心态,而会以一种可以让每个人都从中受惠的关怀,了解的方式来指出他人的错误。
And she works in a culture of medicine that acknowledges that human beings run the system, 而她所工作的医学文化承认整个体系是由人在运作,
and when human beings run the system, they will make mistakes from time to time. 而当人在运作一个体系的时候,时不时地错误在所难免。
So the system is evolving to create backups that make it easier to detect those mistakes that humans inevitably1 make and also fosters in a loving, supportive way 这样系统才可以不断地进化改革,产生可以让人更加容易察觉这些无法避免的错误的补救方案。
places where everybody who is observing in the health care system can actually point out things that could be potential mistakes and is rewarded for doing so, 与此同时,我们可以培养一个热心关怀的工作环境,鼓励每一位在观察我们的医疗系统的人,随时指出一些潜在的错误。
and especially people like me, when we do make mistakes, we're rewarded for coming clean. 尤其是鼓励像我一样的人,当我们犯错后,我们可以去正面面对并加以改正。
My name is Brian Goldman. I am a redefined physician. I'm human. I make mistakes. 我是布莱恩.高德曼,我是一位重新定义后的医生。
I'm sorry about that, but I strive to learn one thing that I can pass on to other people. 我是一个人类,我也会犯错。我为此感到抱歉,但我会尽力从中学习,并教于他人。
I still don't know what you think of me, but I can live with that. 我仍然不知各位如何看待我, 但我想我对此可以接受。
And let me close with three words of my own: I do remember. 最后让我以我自己的三个字做为结语: 我记得。

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adv.不可避免地;必然发生地 | |
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