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打工姐妹花第二季 第170期:和男同共蒸桑拿

时间:2019-02-19 02:36来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Oh, hi. Hey, girls. You mind if we join you? 好啊。姑娘们好。不介意我们一起蒸吧?

You guys are gay bears, right? Max! 你们俩是基熊男,对吧?麦克斯!
It's cool. My prom date is big in the bear scene now, 没事的。我当年舞会的伴现在是熊界一霸呢,
but in high school, they just called him a jock who cried sometimes. 但当年我们高中时,大家都叫他,爱哭的大汉。
Yep, we're bears. Big, hairy, not scary. 我们就是熊男,魁梧,毛多,但温顺哦。
I'm Deke. This is Dirk. Yup, we're Deke and Dirk. Pause for reaction. 我是迪克。我是德克。我们就是"阴剑"双侠。暂停等你们作反应。
I'm Caroline, and this is Max. 我是卡洛琳,她是麦克斯。
Are you girls lipstick1 lesbians? 你们是唇膏女同吗?
No, we're just friends, and we can't afford lipstick. 不是,单纯朋友而已,而且我们也买不起唇膏。
Especially at this gift shop. Have you seen the prices? 在他这礼品店就更买不起了。你们看到东西标价了吗?
$25 for chap stick? Please. No one's lips are that chapped. 25块钱买管护唇膏?谁嘴唇烂到要这么贵的东西护啊。
And he would know. This one's the king of face creaming. 他很懂这方面。他可是面霜之王呢。
A little bit dirtier than what it is. I'm actually a dermatologist2. 比那个还肮脏一点哦。其实我是皮肤科医生啦。
Oh, my God. Do not tell me I'm lucky enough to be in a sauna with two dermatologists3. 我的天啊。我不会是有这种天大荣幸,可以跟两位皮肤科医生共蒸桑拿吧。
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm an astrophysicist. 不不不不不。我是个天体物理学家。
Oh, smarter than the average bear. Loving her. 哇,比普通熊男更才高八斗呢。爱死她了。
So you know about space stuff, smarty bear. Do you believe in aliens? 那想必你很懂太空事物啦,聪明熊。你相信外星人的存在吗?
Oh, I do, and I believe they're living among us. 当然,而且我相信它们就活在我们之中。
I'm looking at you, Christina Ricci! 就是说你呢,克里斯蒂娜·里奇!
So talk to me, Deke. What can you give me? 迪克,你说吧,你哪有什么货能给我啊?
He has plenty of free cream samples back in our room. 他有带一堆面霜试用品来呢,就在我们房里呢!
And it's the good stuff. You should come by! We're in cabin four. 而且都是好货哦,记得来拿!我们就住四号小屋。
No way! We're in cabin three. 不是吧,我们住三号小屋呢。
How about those rope beds? You know it's kinky when the bed is already tied up. 那个绳索吊床如何啊?一看床被"捆绑"好,就知道要"色色"的了。
First, we were all "um, we're gonna fall," but then we thought, "what the hell? It's our man-iversary." 一开始,我们俩说,"会摔吧",但转念一想,"摔就摔吧"。这是我们的基婚纪念日。
Aw, you're married? Happy anniversary. Now, let's get back to those free creams. 你们结婚啦?纪念日快乐。再来谈谈那免费面霜吧。
Oh, and here's our card if you're ever in the neighborhood or need a big order. 对了,这是我们名片,哪天你们刚好来到附近或有大单子就来吧。
You brought a business card to a sauna? I don't wanna know where you kept that. 你蒸个桑拿都带名片来啊?我不想知道你怎么"夹"带进来的。
Max's Homemade Cupcakes. 麦克斯自制小蛋糕。
Or in your case, cub-cakes. 或者说是,小熊蛋糕。
Loving her. Living for her. Wanna come back as her. 爱死她。爆喜欢她。都想下辈子投胎变成她了。


1 lipstick o0zxg     
  • Taking out her lipstick,she began to paint her lips.她拿出口红,开始往嘴唇上抹。
  • Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics.口红和护发素都是化妆品。
2 dermatologist dermatologist     
  • I think you should see a dermatologist first.我想你应当先看皮肤科大夫。
  • The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist.家庭医生把她的病人交给了皮肤科医生。
3 dermatologists 9d0b1366d0a189da771500d4b6c53665     
n.皮肤病学家( dermatologist的名词复数 )
  • Today dermatologists agree that the experiments were not conducted well. 今天,皮肤病学者承认,当时的实验操作上有误。 来自互联网
  • Dermatologists consistently recommend the low-cost old favorites, but of good-quality. 皮肤学家一致推荐物美价廉的老品牌。 来自互联网
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