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【大家说英语】 第276期:打棒球啰!

时间:2018-06-25 06:20来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Lesson 13 Sports 第十三课 运动

October 29 10月29日
Let's Play Baseball! 打棒球啰!
Read it! 读读看!
Bobby joins Rob1 on the show. 巴比来到罗柏的节目上,
They talk about baseball. 他们谈论棒球。
Bobby manages a baseball team. 巴比是管理一支棒球队的经理。
In baseball, one team is on the field at a time. 在棒球运动中,由一支球队负责守备,
The other team is at bat. 另一支球队负责打击。
The pitcher2 throws the ball really fast. 投手以飞快的速度把球投出去,
The batter3 doesn't want to get three strikes. 打击手可不想有三个好球。
If the batter runs around all the bases, he scores a run! 如果打击手跑过所有的垒包,就可以得到一分!
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the program, Bobby. 巴比,欢迎来到节目上。
You are on a baseball team, but you're not a player. 你在一支棒球队里,可是你不是球员,
Is that right? 对不对?
That's right. I'm the manager of a baseball team. 没错, 我是一支棒球队的经理。
What does a manager do? 球队经理负责什么工作?
I manage all the players on the team. 我管理球队上的所有球员,
I also coach them. 也指导他们。
Great! Then you know a lot about baseball. 太好了!那你一定对棒球懂得很多,
Let's talk about the game. 我们来谈谈这项运动吧。
Conversation B 会话B
Sure! In baseball, nine players from one team are on the field. 没问题!在棒球运动中,一支球队的九名球员在球场上负责守备。
And the other team is at bat. 另一支球队则是负责打击,
They try to hit the ball. 他们尽全力要击中球。
When a player hits the ball, he runs around the bases. 球员一旦击中了球,就会跑上各个垒包。
But the team on the field wants to stop him. 不过,负责守备的球队会想要拦阻他。
Right. If he runs all the way around the bases, he scores a run! 没错。如果他跑过所有的垒包,就可以得到一分!
Conversation C 会话C
The pitcher throws the ball really fast! 投手以飞快的速度把球投出去!
So it is hard for the batter to hit the ball. 所以,打击手很难击中球。
Hitting a fast ball can be difficult. 要击中快速球是很困难的事情。
That's right. 没错。
When the batter swings at the ball and misses, that's a strike. 打击手如果挥棒落空,就算是一个好球。
And if a batter gets three strikes, he's out. 打击手如果有三个好球,就算出局了。
Right! When three players are out, the team at bat goes into the field. 对!一旦有三名球员出局,负责打击的球队就改为负责守备。
Then the other team can bat! 之后另一支球队负责打击!


1 rob 6XAx9     
  • Two men formed a plot to rob the bank.两人制定了抢劫那家银行的秘密计划。
  • They were scheming to rob the bank.他们在密谋抢劫银行。
2 pitcher S2Gz7     
  • He poured the milk out of the pitcher.他从大罐中倒出牛奶。
  • Any pitcher is liable to crack during a tight game.任何投手在紧张的比赛中都可能会失常。
3 batter QuazN     
  • The batter skied to the center fielder.击球手打出一个高飞球到中外野手。
  • Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter.在面糊里放少量的糖。
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