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【大家说英语】 第316期:圣诞快乐!(2)

时间:2018-06-25 07:22来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 December 25 12月25日

Read it! 读读看!
Abby is in a Christmas play at her church. 雅碧在她的教会里加入了一出圣诞剧的演出。
They are doing the play on Christmas night. 他们要在圣诞夜表演,
The play tells the Christmas story. 戏剧内容讲述圣诞节的故事。
It is an amazing story! 那是一个相当令人惊奇的故事!
Abby is one of the angels1. 雅碧扮演其中一位天使,
The angels tell the shepherds2 about Jesus. 而天使向牧羊人报告耶稣
He was born in a stable3. 降生在马槽里的大好消息。
There are real animals in the play, too. 在戏里也有真正的动物参与演出,
They have a sheep and a donkey4! 他们有一头绵羊和一匹驴子呢!
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing for Christmas, Abby? 雅碧,妳圣诞节要做什么?
Well, I'm in a play. 嗯,我要参加一出戏的演出。
A play? Really? 一出戏?真的吗?
Yes, my church is doing a Christmas play. 是啊,我的教会要演出一出圣诞剧,
We're performing it tonight! 我们要在今晚表演。
What's the play about? 那出戏讲什么故事?
The Christmas story. 圣诞节的故事。
How fun! Maybe I'll come and see it. 真好玩!说不定我会去看。
What part do you play? 妳演什么角色?
I'm one of the angels. 我是其中一位天使,
We tell the shepherds that Jesus is born. 我们对牧羊人说耶稣降生的消息。
Conversation B 会话B
Tell us more about your play, Abby. 雅碧,跟我们多说说妳的戏。
Well, it tells the Christmas story. 这个嘛,那出戏讲到圣诞节的故事。
Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem. 马里亚和约瑟到伯利恒去,
They can't find a room, so they stay in a stable. 他们找不到房间住,只好住在马厩里。
And that is where Jesus is born. 那里就是耶稣降生的地方。
Right. And we have real animals in our play! 没错。我们在戏里还有真的动物一起演出!
We have a sheep and a donkey! 我们有一头绵羊和一匹驴子!
It must be a big play. 那出戏一定很盛大。
Let's go and see it, Alex! 亚力克斯,我们一起去看吧!
Conversation C 会话C
The story of Jesus is such a great story. 耶稣的故事真的很了不起。
It is. So many amazing things happened at Jesus' birth! 的确。耶稣降生的时候发生了许多惊奇的事情!
Angels shared the news with the shepherds. 天使向牧羊人讲这个消息,
They came to see the baby. 于是他们前来拜见那个婴儿。
And later, kings brought gifts to Jesus. 后来,几个国王(智者)还带了礼物来送给耶稣。
Well, Jesus was a very special baby! 嗯,耶稣是个非常特别的婴儿!
True. He is God's gift to the world. 没错,祂是上帝送给世人的礼物。
Yes. And that's the best story of all! 是啊,这正是最棒的故事!


1 angels 82a7c395a86348dd4bfd11bb05b71cbf     
n.天使( angel的名词复数 );可爱的人;品行高洁的人;大好人(感激某人时所说)(非正式)
  • Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white. 图画中的天使通常身穿白衣。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Angels are celestial beings. 天使是天上的神灵。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 shepherds 02e54f402f3bec22657d794803bbc598     
n.牧羊人,羊倌( shepherd的名词复数 )
  • Shepherds penned their flocks. 牧羊人把他们的羊群关入栏中。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This was the first time the shepherds had seen the Corleone stare. 这两个牧民第一次看到考利昂家族传统的瞪眼。 来自教父部分
3 stable 8uYwz     
  • I'm glad she has become such a stable character.我很高兴她变得如此沉稳。
  • This chair isn't very stable.这把椅子不大稳固。
4 donkey 3kNzk     
  • This donkey can carry two sacks of grain.这头驴能驮两袋粮食。
  • "I'll buy your donkey,"said the two.“我想要买你的驴子”两人异口同声说。
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