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【大家说英语】 第318期:寒冬保健(2)

时间:2018-06-25 07:24来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 December 29 12月29日

Read it! 读读看!
Oh, no! Everyone is getting sick. 糟糕!大家都生病了。
Taylor has a headache. 泰乐头痛,
She is also starting to cough a lot. 也开始不断咳嗽。
Alex's stomach doesn't feel very good. 亚力克斯的肚子觉得不太舒服,
But it's not the flu1. 可是他得的不是流感。
He doesn't have a fever. 他没有发烧。
Taylor doesn't like to go to the doctor. 泰乐不喜欢看医生,
But she should go. 可是她应该去看,
The doctor can give her some medicine. 医生可以开一些药给她。
Everyone should drink more liquids! 所有人都该多喝液体流质的东西!
Conversation A 会话A
Taylor! Are you OK? 泰乐!妳还好吗?
Not really. I have a headache. 不太好。我头痛,
And I'm beginning to cough a lot. 也开始不断咳嗽。
That's not good! 这样可不好!
Maybe you should see the doctor. 也许妳该去看医生,
The doctor can give you some medicine. 医生可以为妳开些药物。
Maybe you're right. 妳说的可能没错。
I don't like to go to the doctor. 我不喜欢去看医生,
But I know it's good for me. 可是我知道看医生对我有益。
Yes. You should take medicine before you get too sick. 没错,妳该在病得很严重之前先吃药。
That's good advice. Thanks, Abby. 这建议很不错。雅碧,谢了。
Conversation B 会话B
Alex! You look terrible. 亚力克斯!你看起来好糟,
Are you OK? 你还好吗?
No, I feel terrible. 不好,我觉得很难过。
I'm cold. And my stomach is really uncomfortable. 我很冷, 肚子也很不舒服。
Uh-oh! Do you have the flu? 糟糕!你得了流感吗?
I don't think so. 应该不是,
I don't have a fever. 我没有发烧。
Are you sure? We can check your temperature. 你确定吗?我们可以量一下你的体温。
Maybe I can go to the clinic. 也许我可以去诊所,
They can check my temperature there. 他们可以量我的体温。
Conversation C 会话C
Everyone around here is getting sick. 大家都生病了。
I know. I don't want to get sick. 是啊,我不想生病。
I don't, either. 我也不想生病,
But how can we avoid it? 可是我们要怎么避免呢?
Should we drink more liquids? 我们该多喝些液体的东西吗?
Yes, liquids are good. 是,液体很好。
I had a doctor on my show yesterday. 昨天有一位医生上了我的节目,
He had some good tips. 他提供了一些很不错的诀窍。
Really? What did he say? 真的吗?他说了什么?
He said to take vitamins2 every day. 他说要每天服用维他命。
I have some vitamins. Do you want some? 我有些维他命, 妳要吃吗?
Yes! Thank you! 好!谢谢!


1 flu cjgxE     
  • I've been laid up with flu for a week.我患流感已在家休息一个星期了。
  • Mind that your children don't catch the flu.小心别让你孩子传上流感。
2 vitamins ec54c60185e1845c72371795833c5714     
n.维生素( vitamin的名词复数 )
  • essential proteins and vitamins 必不可少的蛋白质和维生素
  • the vitamins that are vital for health 保持健康必不可少的维生素
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