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   《大家说英语》以其对话简洁、重点突出、语言地道、设计系统、语境 典型、录音纯正等众多特点受到了读者的欢迎。从出版到现在,短短的五年里服务读者数以十万计,而且也已经成为很多作者研究、模仿的对象。




  • 【大家说英语】 第395期:驾车旅行(2)

    I can't believe our trip is over! 我不敢相信我们的旅程就这么结束了! I know. It's time to go home already. 是啊。现在已经是回家的时候了。 Did you buy any souvenirs for your family and friends? 你有给你的家人和朋...

  • 【大家说英语】 第394期:驾车旅行(1)

    Welcome back! 欢迎回来! Thanks, Linda. 谢谢,琳达。 How was your road trip? 你们这趟驾车旅行怎么样? It was great. 太棒了。 How far did you drive? 你们开了有多远? About 1,000 miles. My friend and I drove from San...

  • 【大家说英语】第393期:如何在上网时保证自身安全

    If you have a smartphone, the Internet is almost always with you. 如果你有一台智能手机,那么网络就会随时伴随你。 And that is often a good thing. 这通常来说是一件好事。 You can use the Internet for shopping, learning...

  • 【大家说英语】 第392期:晚餐吃什么(2)

    Why don't you cook? 为什么你不做饭呢? I can't cook. I burn everything. 我不会做饭。我会把所有东西给弄焦的。 Some of these recipes are really easy. Even you could make them. 有些烹饪真的很容易。即使是你也能完...

  • 【大家说英语】 第391期:晚餐吃什么(1)

    Do you cook a lot, Rob? 罗布,你经常做饭吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我经常做。 What do you cook? 你都做些什么呢? I stir-fry meat and vegetables. That makes an easy dinner. 我会炒肉和蔬菜。这样很简单就可以做出一顿...

  • 【大家说英语】 第390期:钓鱼之旅(2)

    Well, it is really nice here, Ben. 本,这里真不错。 Although I agree, the sun is very hot today. 虽然我同意你说的,但是今天的天气太热了。 Yeah. I'm sweating, and I'm just sitting here! 是啊。我只是坐在这里就浑身...

  • 【大家说英语】 第389期:钓鱼之旅(1)

    Hi, Linda! 嗨,琳达! Hey, Alex. What are you doing this weekend? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你这周末打算做什么? I'm fishing! 我要去钓鱼! Who are you going with? 你要和谁一起去? I don't know yet. You can come with me. 我还不...

  • 【大家说英语】 第388期:家人团聚

    Hi, Alex, what are you doing? 嗨,阿莱克斯,你在做什么? I'm sending my dad a card. 我在给我爸爸寄张卡片。 Is today his birthday? 今天是他的生日吗? No. Today is Father's Day. 不是。今天是父亲节。 No, it's n...

  • 【大家说英语】 第387期:庆祝父亲节

    Hi, Alex, what are you doing? 嗨,阿莱克斯,你在做什么? I'm sending my dad a card. 我在给我爸爸寄张卡片。 Is today his birthday? 今天是他的生日吗? No. Today is Father's Day. 不是。今天是父亲节。 No, it's n...

  • 【大家说英语】 第386期:夏季奥运会(2)

    Rob is interviewing an Olympian today. 罗布今天在采访一位奥运会运动员。 Is he? That's exciting. 是吗?那太有意思了。 Who is Rob interviewing, Linda? 琳达,罗布在采访谁? Rebecca Runner. She won one silver in 2004 a...

  • 【大家说英语】 第385期:夏季奥运会(1)

    We have a very special guest today. Welcome, Rebecca Runner! 我们今天请来了一位特殊嘉宾。欢迎丽贝卡朗纳! Please call me Becky. Rebecca is too formal. 请叫我贝姬。丽贝卡太正式了。 Sure thing! So, Becky, what is hap...

  • 【大家说英语】 第384期:通过橘子皮破案

    I get a call. A thief took things from an office. 我接到一通电话。一个小偷从一间办公室里偷了东西。 I go to the office. A janitor is next to the door. 我来到了这间办公室。一名看门人正在门旁边。 He's eating...

  • 【大家说英语】 第383期:一起去理发吧!(2)

    What kind of haircut do you want, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你想理什么发型? I just want a trim, Rob. I don't want to change my hairstyle. 罗布,我就想修一下。我不想改变我的发型。 Why not? Maybe something like this? 为什么呢?...

  • 【大家说英语】 第382期:一起去理发吧!(1)

    Good morning, Susie! 早上好,苏西! Hi, Alex. How was your weekend? 嗨,阿莱克斯。周末过得怎么样? My weekend was really good. What? 我周末过得很好。怎么了? I'm just looking at your hair. It's pretty long. 我刚刚看...

  • 【大家说英语】 第381期:寻找耳机

    Where are they? Lucy asked herself. 它们在哪儿呢?露西自己问自己。 She looked in her backpack and coat pockets again. 她又一次查看了自己的背包和外套口袋。 She couldn't find her earbuds anywhere. 她哪里找不到自己...
