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   《大家说英语》以其对话简洁、重点突出、语言地道、设计系统、语境 典型、录音纯正等众多特点受到了读者的欢迎。从出版到现在,短短的五年里服务读者数以十万计,而且也已经成为很多作者研究、模仿的对象。




  • 【大家说英语】 第365期:怪物疑云

    It is 8 p.m. My niece calls. 现在是晚上八点。我的侄女打来了电话。 She says there is a monster outside her apartment. 她说她的公寓外边有一只妖怪。 I don't believe her. She watches too many scary movies. 我不相信她说...

  • 【大家说英语】 第364期:新的飞行方式 无人机(2)

    Hi, Alex. I had an interesting guest on the show this morning. 嗨,阿莱克斯。今天早上节目中我请到了一位有趣的嘉宾。 Who was it? 是谁呢? Frank Flight. He works with drones. 弗兰克弗莱特。他在从事无人机的工作...

  • 【大家说英语】 第363期:新的飞行方式 无人机(1)

    My guest today is Frank Flight. He works with drones. 我们今天的来宾是弗兰克弗莱特先生。他使用无人机工作。 It's great to meet you, Rob. 罗布,很高兴见到你。 Tell us about drones, Frank. 弗兰克,给我们讲讲无...

  • 【大家说英语】 第362期:加拿大的国庆节

    Today is Canada Day. It is Canada's national day. 今天是加拿大日。是加拿大的国庆节。 A national day is a country's birthday. 国庆节是指一个国家的生日。 Many countries have national days in July. 许多国家的国庆节都...

  • 【大家说英语】 第361期:神奇的动物(2)

    I just finished a really intersting interview, Alex. 阿莱克斯,我刚刚完成了一场非常有意思的采访。 Who did you talk to? 你和谁交谈的呢? Anna Wild. She works at a zoo and knows a lot about animals. 安娜怀尔德。她在一...

  • 【大家说英语】第360期:神奇的动物(1)

    Welcome to the show, Anna Wild! 欢迎来到我们的节目,安娜怀尔德! Thank you, Rob. I'm glad to be here. 谢谢,罗布。我很高兴来到这里。 There are some amazing animals in the world. Tell us about some. 世界上有一些神奇...

  • 【大家说英语】 第359期:自行车之旅

    Heather was at the street corner. She was waiting for Zach. 希瑟站在街角。她在等着扎克。 They were going for a bike ride today. 他们今天要去骑自行车。 Heather checked her tires, her bike chain and brakes. 希瑟检查了她的车...

  • 【大家说英语】 第358期:参观博物馆(2)

    How was the exhibit at the art museum, Susie? 苏西,美术馆的展览怎么样? It was a big success. I saw a lot of great paintings. 非常成功。我看到了很多优秀的画作。 Was the museum crowded? 美术馆里很拥挤吗? Yes. I...

  • 【大家说英语】 第357期:参观博物馆(1)

    Hi, Susie. I have something for you. 嗨,苏西。我有个东西要给你。 Oh? What is it? 哦?是什么? It's a package from Linda. 是琳达寄来的包裹。 Thanks. Let's see what is inside. It's a ticket. 谢谢。让我看看里面是什...

  • 【大家说英语】 第356期:下雨天(2)

    That's a big storm outside! 外面的暴风雨好大啊! Did you hear the thunder? 你听到打雷了吗? Yes. I love the sound of rain and thunder. 听到了。我喜欢雨和雷电的声音。 So do I. But Rob doesn't. He doesn't like cold and...

  • 【大家说英语】 第355期:下雨天(1)

    Hi, Susie. 嗨,苏西。 Good morning, Rob. How's the weather today? 早上好,罗布。今天天气怎么样? It is cold and rainy outside. I am not happy. 外面比较冷,还有雨。我不太高兴。 Oh. I like the rain. It's fun. 哦。我...

  • 【大家说英语】 第354期:公共无线网

    A thief is stealing money from a store. Someone calls the police. 一个小偷正在偷一家商店的钱。有人报了警。 Soon the police arrive at the store. But they cannot find the thief. 不久之后警察来到了该商店。但是他们找不...

  • 【大家说英语】 第353期:自动驾驶汽车(2)

    So, Linda, what do you think about self-driving cars? Everyone is talking about them. 琳达,你怎么看自动驾驶汽车?所有人都在谈论它们。 I think they are a great idea. Just think. Blind people could use them. And old people coul...

  • 【大家说英语】 第352期:自动驾驶汽车(1)

    Alex, do you like to drive? 阿莱克斯,你喜欢开车吗? Sure. But I don't like to sit in traffic! 当然。但是我不喜欢堵在路上。 When I'm tired, I avoid driving. 当我比较疲惫的时候,我会避免开车。 I know. It is n...

  • 【大家说英语】 第352期:自动驾驶汽车(1)

    Alex, do you like to drive? 阿莱克斯,你喜欢开车吗? Sure. But I don't like to sit in traffic! 当然。但是我不喜欢堵在路上。 When I'm tired, I avoid driving. 当我比较疲惫的时候,我会避免开车。 I know. It is n...
