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   《大家说英语》以其对话简洁、重点突出、语言地道、设计系统、语境 典型、录音纯正等众多特点受到了读者的欢迎。从出版到现在,短短的五年里服务读者数以十万计,而且也已经成为很多作者研究、模仿的对象。




  • 【大家说英语】 第351期:支付账单(2)

    Bills, bills, bills... 账单,账单,账单... Excuse me? What did you say? 打扰一下。你刚才在说什么? Oh, nothing. I'm just looking at my bills. There are a lot of them. 哦,没什么。我只是在看我的账单。我有很多账单...

  • 【大家说英语】 第350期:支付账单(1)

    What are you looking at, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你在看什么? I am looking at my power bill. I think. 我在看我的电费账单。我想应该是吧。 What do you mean? 你指的是什么意思? Well, I don't understand this bill. 我看不明白...

  • 【大家说英语】 第349期:坐公交还是打出租(2)

    Wow. The bus ride was really long. 哇。刚刚坐了好久的公交车。 I know. The bus stopped at every bus stop. 是啊。那辆公交车每站都停。 Next time, let's take a taxi. 下次我们搭乘出租车吧。 Yeah. I agree. 好的。我同...

  • 【大家说英语】 第348期:坐公交还是打出租

    Guess what, Linda! 琳达,你知道吗? What, Taylor? 泰勒,什么事? There's a street festival downtown today and tomorrow! Let's go together after work today. 今天和明天在市区有一场街头庆典。我们今天下班后一起去吧...

  • 【大家说英语】 第347期:金钱二三事(2)

    Do you use cash much, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你经常用现金吗? No, I don't. I use my credit card all the time. 不,我不常用。我一直使用我的信用卡。 I use my debit card. I almost never use cash. 我用我的借记卡。我几乎不...

  • 【大家说英语】 第346期:金钱二三事(1)

    Look! I have a postcard! 看!我有一张明信片! Who is it from? 是谁寄来的? It's from Ben. He's in Paris. 是本寄来的。他在巴黎。 What's the picture on the card? 明信片上的照片是什么? It's the Eiffel Tower. 是埃菲...

  • 【大家说英语】 第345期:母亲节送花(2)

    You're welcome. Yes, they were nice flowers. OK, talk to you tomorrow, bye! 不用谢。是的,花很好。好的,明天再和你说,再见! Did you give your mother flowers for Mother's Day? 母亲节的花,你送给你妈妈了吗? Yes,...

  • 【大家说英语】) 第344期:母亲节送花

    Hi, Taylor. What day is Mother's Day? 嗨,泰勒。母亲节是哪天? It is Sunday. 是周日。 What are you doing for your mother? 你要如何为你的妈妈庆祝呢? I always send her a card. 我总是会寄一张贺卡给她。 Do you bu...

  • 【大家说英语】 第343期:诈骗事件

    I am going to see my aunt. 我要去看我的姨母。 I walk up the stairs and into her apartment building. 我爬上了楼梯,进到了她的公寓楼。 She lives on the fifth floor. 她住在五层。 I have my coat as well as groceries for my...

  • 【大家说英语】 第342期:有意思的树屋(2)

    Welcome to the show, Tonya Travel! 欢迎来到本节目,Tonya Travel! Hello, Rob! 你好,罗布! Tonya, you are a travel agent. 坦娅,你是一个旅行代理人。 Yes, I am. I help people with their travel plans. 是的,我是。我帮助...

  • 【大家说英语】 第341期:有意思的树屋

    See you later, Alex. Have a good evening! 再见,阿莱克斯。祝你今晚玩儿得愉快! Thanks, Rob. What are you doing after work? 谢谢,罗布。下班之后你要去做什么? I'm going home. I'm helping the kids next door. 我要回家...

  • 【大家说英语】 第340期:在课堂上使用手机?

    Stuart didn't get perfect grades, but he was a good student. 斯图尔特的成绩不是最好的,但他是一个好学生。 He was curious about many things. 他对很多事情都很好奇。 And his favorite subject was science. 他最喜欢的科...

  • 【大家说英语】 第339期:超级足球迷(2)

    Hi, Rob. Do you have a soccer ball? 嗨,罗布。你有足球吗? Sorry, Alex. I don't have a soccer ball. 抱歉,阿莱克斯。我没有足球。 Oh, OK. Thanks. 哦,好的,多谢。 But I have a football! Do you want to use that? 但是我...

  • 【大家说英语】 第338期:超级足球迷

    Run! Run! Yes. Goal! 快跑!快跑!耶!球进了! Ben? Are you OK? 本?你还好吗? Hi, Susie! I'm great. 嗨,苏西!我棒极了! What are you watching? Why are you so excited? 你在看什么?为什么这么激动? I'm watchi...

  • 【大家说英语】 第337期:这么多鸟儿啊!(2)

    Thanks for coming with me, Rob. Isn't bird watching fun? 罗布,感谢你和我一起来。赏鸟是不是很好玩儿? I guess. But why do you watch them so early? We had to leave for Spring Lake at 6:00! 我想是的。但是为什么你要这么...
