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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(12)

时间:2023-02-13 09:43来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  Mortimer had stayed to dinner, and he and the baronet played ecarte afterwards. The butlerbrought me my coffee into the library, and I took the chance to ask him a few questions.

  摩梯末留下来吃了晚饭, 饭后他和准男爵两人玩起牌来。 管事的到书房来给我送咖啡,我乘机问了他几个问题。

  "Well," said I, "has this precious relation of yours departed, or is he still lurking out yonder?"“啊, ” 我说道, “你那好亲戚已经走了呢? 还是仍然隐藏在那里? ”

  "I don't know, sir. I hope to heaven that he has gone, for he has brought nothing but troublehere! I've not heard of him since I left out food for him last, and that was three days ago."“我不知道, 先生。 但愿他已经走了, 因为他在这里只能给人添麻烦。 从我最后一次给他送了食物之后, 再没有听到过关于他的情况, 那已是三天以前的事了 。”

  "Did you see him then?"

  “那一次你看到他了 吗? ”

  "No, sir, but the food was gone when next I went that way."“没有, 先生, 可是当我再到那里去的时候, 食物已经不见了 。”

  "Then he was certainly there?"

  “那么说, 他一定还在那里呢? ”

  "So you would think, sir, unless it was the other man who took it."“先生, 除非是被另外那个人拿去, 否则您一定会认为他还在那儿呢。”

  I sat with my coffee-cup halfway to my lips and stared at Barrymore.

  我坐在那里, 咖啡还没有送到嘴边就又盯住他问道:

  "You know that there is another man then?"“那么说, 你是知道还有另外一个人罗? ”

  "Yes, sir; there is another man upon the moor."“是的, 先生, 在沼地里还有另外一个人。”

  "Have you seen him?"

  “你见到他了吗? ”

  "No, sir."

  “没有, 先生。”

  "How do you know of him then?"

  “那你怎么知道的呢? ”

  "Selden told me of him, sir, a week ago or more. He's in hiding, too, but he's not a convict asfar as I can make out. I don't like it, Dr. Watson -- I tell you straight, sir, that I don't like it." Hespoke with a sudden passion of earnestness.

  “是塞尔丹告诉我的, 先生, 在一星期以前或是更早一些的时候。 他也在藏着呢, 可是据我估计他并不是逃犯。 这些事我真伤脑筋, 华生医生——我和您坦白地说吧, 先生, 这些事真让我伤脑筋。” 他突然带着真挚热切的情感说道。

  "Now, listen to me, Barrymore! I have no interest in this matter but that of your master. Ihave come here with no object except to help him. Tell me, frankly, what it is that you don't like."“现在, 你听我说, 白瑞摩! 我只是为了你的主人, 否则对于这样的事我是毫无兴趣的。

  我到这里来除了帮助他之外, 没有其他目的。 坦白地告诉我吧, 究竟是什么使你这样伤脑筋呢? ”

  Barrymore hesitated for a moment, as if he regretted his outburst or found it difficult toexpress his own feelings in words.

  白瑞摩犹豫了一会儿, 似乎是后悔不该冲口说出或是感觉难以用言语表达自 己的感情。

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