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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(3)

时间:2023-02-13 09:47来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  "I have the pleasure," said I, "of knowing your father." It was a clumsy introduction, and thelady made me feel it.

  “我有幸地, ” 我说道, “认识您的父亲。” 这样的自我介绍作得很笨, 我由那女人的反应上感觉得出来。

  "There is nothing in common between my father and me," she said. "I owe him nothing, andhis friends are not mine. If it were not for the late Sir Charles Baskerville and some other kindhearts I might have starved for all that my father cared."“我父亲和我之间没有什么关系,” 她说道,“我什么也不亏欠他, 他的朋友也不是我的朋友。 如果没有已故的查尔兹· 巴斯克维尔爵士和一些别的好心肠的人的话, 我也许早就饿死了, 我父亲根本就没把我放在心上。”

  "It was about the late Sir Charles Baskerville that I have come here to see you."“我是因为有关已故的查尔兹· 巴斯克维尔爵士的事才到这里来找您的。”

  The freckles started out on the lady's face.

  惊吓之下, 女士的面孔变得苍白起来, 雀斑因而变得更加明显了。

  "What can I tell you about him?" she asked, and her fingers played nervously over the stopsof her typewriter.

  “关于他的事我能告诉您什么呢? ” 她问道。 她的手指神经质地玩弄着她那打字机上的标点符号字键。

  "You knew him, did you not?"

  “您认识他, 是吗? ”

  "I have already said that I owe a great deal to his kindness. If I am able to support myself it islargely due to the interest which he took in my unhappy situation."“我已经说过了, 我非常感激他对于我的厚意。 如果说我还能自立生活的话, 那主要是由于他对我的可悲的处境的关心了 。”

  "Did you correspond with him?"

  “您和他通过信吗? ”

  The lady looked quickly up with an angry gleam in her hazel eyes.

  女士迅速地抬起头来, 棕色的眼睛里闪着愤怒的光芒。

  "What is the object of these questions?" she asked sharply.

  “您问这些问题用意何在呢? ” 她厉声问道。

  "The object is to avoid a public scandal. It is better that I should ask them here than that thematter should pass outside our control."


  She was silent and her face was still very pale. At last she looked up with something recklessand defiant in her manner.

  她沉默不语, 她的面孔依然很苍白。 最后她带着不顾一切和挑战的神色抬起头来。

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