"Did you ever write to Sir Charles asking him to meet you?" I continued.
“您曾经写过信给查尔兹爵士请他和您见面吗? ” 我继续问道。
Mrs. Lyons flushed with anger again.
"Really, sir, this is a very extraordinary question."“先生, 这真是岂有此理的问题。”
"I am sorry, madam, but I must repeat it."“我很抱歉, 太太, 可是我不得不重复它。”
"Then I answer, certainly not."
“那么我就回答吧, 肯定没有过。”
"Not on the very day of Sir Charles's death?"“就是在查尔兹爵士死的那天也没有过吗? ”
The flush had faded in an instant, and a deathly face was before me. Her dry lips could notspeak the "No" which I saw rather than heard.
脸上的红色马上褪了 下去, 在我面前出现了一副死灰的面孔。 她那焦枯的嘴唇已说不出那“没有” 来了。 与其说我听到了 , 不如说我是看出来了。
"Surely your memory deceives you," said I. "I could even quote a passage of your letter. Itran 'Please, please, as you are a gentleman, burn this letter, and be at the gate by ten o'clock.' "“一定是您的记忆愚弄了您,” 我说道,“我甚至能够背出您那封信中的一段来, 是这样的: ‘您是一位君子, 请您千万将此信烧掉, 并在十点钟的时候到栅门那里去。’ ”
I thought that she had fainted, but she recovered herself by a supreme effort.
当时, 我以为她已经晕过去了, 可是她竟尽了最大的努力使自 己恢复了镇静。
"Is there no such thing as a gentleman?" she gasped.
“难道天下就没有一个真正的君子吗? !” 她的呼吸变得急促起来。
"You do Sir Charles an injustice. He did burn the letter. But sometimes a letter may be legibleeven when burned. You acknowledge now that you wrote it?"“您冤枉查尔兹爵士了。 他确已把信烧掉了, 可是有时虽是一封烧了的信还是可以认得出来的。 您现在承认您曾写过这封信了吗!”