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【英语趣味课堂】攀爬富士山-Climbing Fuji

时间:2016-05-12 05:42来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Todd: OK, Steven, what do you want to talk about?

Steven: Hiking!
Todd: Hiking! Are you a big mountain man?
Steven: Yeah, yeah, I really love getting out into the mountains.
Todd: What mountains have you climbed?
Steven: Well, recently, I climbed Mt. Fuji.
Todd: Wow, how long did it take you to get to the top?
Steven: Well, I actually climbed Mt. Fuji on four different occasions.
Todd: Wow, really!
Steven: Yeah, so it was different times each trek1.
Todd: OK, did you go in summer or in spring?
Steven: No, actually, the first time I went in, to climb Fuji was in the winter.
Todd: Wow, man that must have been cold.
Steven: Yeah, well, it wasn't too bad. We had warm clothes and, you know, we were constantly walking, so our body temperature was quite high.
Todd: Didn't you slip on the ice? Wasn't the ice really slippery?
Steven: Well, we had crampons and ice axes with us.
Todd: Really, I'm sorry, you had "crampons"?
Steven: Yeah, they're like spikes2 that go on your feet, yeah, basically ice shoes, yeah, so you can actually walk on the ice with these shoes without slipping, no problem.
Todd: Really! What was it like on the top?
Steven: Well, on that particular occasion we didn't get to the top because it was too late in the day. We would have arrived at the top just as the just was setting and it would have been very dangerous I think coming back down, so.
Todd: Because it would have been dark?
Steven: Yeah, yeah.
Todd: OK. Wow, well, really impressive.
Steven: Yeah, I really loved it.

Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
Are you a big mountain man?
The example sentence is really asking: Do you like the mountains.  Or, do you go to the mountains a lot?  If you put the word 'big' in front of a noun phrase it means that it is something that you enjoy.  Notice the following:
He's a big sports fan and watches games every Sunday.
She is a big reader and always has a book with her.
We were constantly walking.
If you do something 'constantly' you do it continuously, without stopping.  Notice the following:
She is constantly chewing gum.
It feels like it constantly rains here.
Wasn't the ice really slippery?
If something is 'slippery' it is easy to slide and fall.  A wet floor can be very slippery.  Notice the following:
He slipped on the spilled soda3.
Because he wasn't wearing good boots it was difficult to walk up the slippery hill.
On this particular occasion.
In the example sentence 'particular' can be replaced with specific or exact.  We can use this word to demonstrate a difference between the current situation and what is normal.  Notice the following:
She is very organized.  Everything has to be in its particular place.
In this particular market, they usually have an excellent selection of fresh fruit.
Wow, really impressive.
If something is 'impressive' it is really incredible or amazing.  Notice the following:
You can run for a long time.  It's really impressive.
The last five minutes of the basketball game were really impressive.


1 trek 9m8wi     
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
2 spikes jhXzrc     
n.穗( spike的名词复数 );跑鞋;(防滑)鞋钉;尖状物v.加烈酒于( spike的第三人称单数 );偷偷地给某人的饮料加入(更多)酒精( 或药物);把尖状物钉入;打乱某人的计划
  • a row of iron spikes on a wall 墙头的一排尖铁
  • There is a row of spikes on top of the prison wall to prevent the prisoners escaping. 监狱墙头装有一排尖钉,以防犯人逃跑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 soda cr3ye     
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
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