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时间:2016-05-12 06:34来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Todd: So, hello, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Hi, how are you?
Todd: I'm doing good. Now Alexandra, you're from Miami.
Alexandra: Yes, I am.
Todd: OK, so why don't you tell us about Miami.
Alexandra: Born and raised in Miami, and it's very warm, very warm. Lots of different people. It seems to be the port of Central and South America, so there's several different people from different countries coming through, as well as from Europe and some parts of the North of the United1 States come down for a visit and it's a tourist destination.
Todd: Wow, were you born in Miami?
Alexandra: Yes
Todd: Really!
Alexandra: Yes, I was.
Todd: And you lived your whole life there?
Alexandra: Yep, yeah, yeah.
Todd: That's cool, what's the best thing about Miami?
Alexandra: The weather obviously2, weather and the nearness to the ocean. Everything you can think of that can be done on the ocean, you can find a way to do it there.
Todd: Oh, nice, so what water sports do you play?
Alexandra: There's water volleyball, and do some skiing3, and diving, and also during season you can go and catch lobster4 down in the keys.
Alexandra: Yes, so it can be fun.
Todd: That's so cool. So you catch the lobster and eat it that night?
Alexandra: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. So you just go get the lobster out of the traps5, take the upstairs to the boat, so to speak, and just throw them in a pot, and you're gonna have dinner in no time.
Todd: You don't eat them on the boat do you?
Alexandra: You can.
Todd: Really! People eat the lobsters6 on the boat?
Alexandra: Yeah, you can.
Todd: Wow. Are they dangerous? I mean, cause they can snip7 your fingers.
Alexandra: Well, you don't, you make sure you catch them in the right, hold them from the tail end and people usually put rubberbands around the claws8, and you can just throw them into boiling water, get your butter out and you're good to go.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
Born and raised in Miami.
The place where you "grow up" or grow from a child to an adult is where you are "raised."  Notice the following:
His parents raised him to be polite.
I was born in the United States, but raised in Australia.
tourist destination
Miami is a tourist destination.
A "tourist destination" is a place where people like to travel for vacation, maybe because of the weather because of the things to see.  Notice the following:
It is fun to visit a tourist destination, but not to live there.
When was the last time you went to a tourist destination?
find a way
You can find a way to do it in Miami.
To discover a method to do something is to "find a way" to do it.  Maybe you find a way to make money selling jewelry9 on the beach.  Notice the following:
All of the flights and buses are full.  I have to find a way to make it home by Saturday.
Did you find a way to contact him?
Lobsters can snip your fingers.
To "snip" something is to cut it.  A lobster has very sharp claws and can cut your fingers.  This is usually used to describe something that cuts like a pair of scissors10. Notice the following:
I am going to snip a few hairs that are in your eyes.
They snipped11 the wires and stole the car.
good to go
Get your butter out and you're good to go.
If you are "good to go" you are prepared or ready.  Notice the following:
A few more weeks of relaxation12 and then you will be good to go.
Are we good to go camping tomorrow?


1 united Yfmz2c     
  • The whole nation is closely united.全国人民紧密团结。
  • The two men were united by community of interests.共同的利益使两个人结合在一起。
2 obviously uIKxo     
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。
3 skiing bi3zDD     
  • I'm a complete novice at skiing. 滑雪我完全是个新手。
  • to go skiing 去滑雪
4 lobster w8Yzm     
  • The lobster is a shellfish.龙虾是水生贝壳动物。
  • I like lobster but it does not like me.我喜欢吃龙虾,但它不适宜于我的健康。
5 traps a0fc440a17b812999d59c8fc49e71161     
n.随身携带物,随身行李;圈套( trap的名词复数 );(对付人的)计谋;(练习射击用的)抛靶器;(捕捉动物的)夹子v.诱骗( trap的第三人称单数 );使受限制;困住;使(水与气体等)分离
  • The stock market is full of traps for the unwary. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。
  • No. Not in regular government pay and employment, to lay traps? 没有这种想法。不是受雇于政府、接受正规津贴、陷害他人么? 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
6 lobsters 67c1952945bc98558012e9740c2ba11b     
龙虾( lobster的名词复数 ); 龙虾肉
  • I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters. 我对如何烹调那些乌贼和龙虾毫无概念。
  • She sold me a couple of live lobsters. 她卖了几只活龙虾给我。
7 snip XhcyD     
  • He has now begun to snip away at the piece of paper.现在他已经开始剪这张纸。
  • The beautifully made briefcase is a snip at £74.25.这个做工精美的公文包售价才74.25英镑,可谓物美价廉。
8 claws ffbb278337131c55f78ce543de4e55fb     
n.爪( claw的名词复数 );(有壳水生动物的)螯;爪形夹具;(机械的)爪
  • the claws of a crab 螃蟹的螯
  • The lion's claws had gouged a wound in the horse's side. 狮爪在马身一侧抓了一道深口。
9 jewelry 0auz1     
  • The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝。
  • Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。
10 scissors XjDzN3     
  • He took a pair of scissors and cut her hair.他拿起一把剪刀给她剪发。
  • We cut paper and cloth with scissors.我们用剪刀裁纸和布。
11 snipped 826fea38bd27326bbaa2b6f0680331b5     
v.剪( snip的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He snipped off the corner of the packet. 他将包的一角剪了下来。 来自辞典例句
  • The police officer snipped the tape and untied the hostage. 警方把胶带剪断,松绑了人质。 来自互联网
12 relaxation MVmxj     
  • The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.部长一向反对法律上的任何放宽。
  • She listens to classical music for relaxation.她听古典音乐放松。
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