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时间:2016-05-12 07:44来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

Jessica: Hi! This is Jessica and today I'm going to talk about spaghetti. Now a lot of people think that is might just be really easy to make, but let me tell you, mine is the top of the top. It's, I can make a mean spaghetti. So first, I take and I cut up garlic. Garlic is essential. As much garlic as you can possibly stand to cut, and then I cut some onion and put that all together, and fry it with olive1 oil. Then basically after that point, it kind of varies. It just depends on whatever vegetables I have around. Usually I put in like green peppers, definitely mushrooms. Mushrooms are a must. Um, let's see, and then basically it depends on the time of the year, so if it's summer I'll just put in like squash2 and, so I saute all the vegetables up, and get them to the point where they are just right and then I put oregano in hopefully, hopefully, the best is if it's fresh but, you know, you can't have it all so, you put in oregano, and then from there, I put in, and I hope my dad's not listening because he'll never eat it after this point, but I put in tofu ground beef, so you can't really taste it, um, I mean you can taste it. It tastes like beef, but nobody knows that it's tofu, just because I don't particularly like raw meat, so Tofu I think is the way to go, so then, um, so I put that in there, and you don't really have to cook it, you just warm it up, so I just cook it all together, warm it all together. And then I put in some fresh tomatoes, and then I usually use like a half a can of whatever tomato sauce is on sale, whatever pasta sauce, and then again a little more oregano, and just let it simmer to absorb all the flavor. That's it. 


1 olive yI2x1     
  • Have you eaten a kind of fruit called olive?你吃过橄榄这种水果吗?
  • She likes olive because It'symbolizes peace.她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平。
2 squash 6reyG     
  • He is drinking lemon squash.他正在喝柠檬露。
  • She sprained her ankle playing squash.她在打软式墙网球时扭伤了脚踝。
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