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【英语趣味课堂】约会-The Date

时间:2016-05-12 07:58来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Hey, I'm going to tell you about my wax museum story. Um, so I would go with my little host brother, Javi, on our little dates because he never went into the city, although he lived really very close to the city, he would just never go into Madrid. So, he was always wanting to go, so I would, you know, pack him along and, "Alright, Where do you want to go?" and he wanted to go the wax museum one day. So we go to this wax museum and we were by ourselves in this creepy old building and it was really dark, and there were like a lot of wax, like figures everywhere, and they're full size and you can actually touch them and take your picture with them, but the lighting1, it was low lighting, so it was really dark, and it was kind of scaring him, you know cause, at the time he was like 10, or something, so he was going up to all the wax figures and like saying something to them, just to try to like combat2 his like fear, he'd be like, "Oh, you're ugly" or "Oh, look at the hair on your head" and things like that. So he was insulting all of them, um, you know as you do when you are little, and so he went up to this one not realizing it was a real man, cause the man was standing3 absolultely still, he wasn't moving at all, and he was like,"and you!" and the guy said, "What about me?" and I swear to God, Javi, screamed like a little girl, and ran at me, and I was like, "I'm sorry, senor. He didn't mean anything by it. It's OK." But he get a chance to insult him, thank God, but yeah it was cute. It was really cute.


1 lighting CpszPL     
  • The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。
  • The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic.那个餐馆照明柔和而且浪漫。
2 combat 4qrzR     
  • The police are now using computers to help combat crime.警方现在使用电脑打击犯罪活动。
  • A reporter interviewed the combat hero.记者访问了这位战斗英雄。
3 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
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