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时间:2016-05-13 05:14来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Todd: So Travis, this summer we have the Olympics. Are you going to watch the Olympics on TV?

Travis: I will probably get suckered into watching the olympics I'm sure. It will be on every channel. It will only be on one channel but it will be on the whole day I'm sure.
Todd: Yeah, they kind of go overboard. It's on too much.
Travis: Well, I think it was the last winter Olympics, where, I don't know which channel in the Unites States was covering it but whatever channel was covering it most of the olympics was just people's background and personal stories and profiles2 and a lot of America got really fed up with it, and I don't know if you were still here in Japan or if you were in the Unites States at the time of the last olympics, but 
people didn't watch he last olympics in the states. They just tuned3 out completely. The reason that they tuned out is because the coverage4 was so poor. The station that was covering it was basically5 just doing profile1 after profile of athletes, about how they had to overcome hardship, how they had to eat one meal every two weeks , and you know run five hundred miles back and forth6, you know, some school in Russia and those sort of profiles, stories drown out the actual events, and it was covered very poorly, but maybe this year will be different, maybe there will be a backlash against that sort of poor coverage, and we'll get to see more of the actual olympics this time. This is the summer olympics right. (Yeah, exactly) It shows how little I know about the olympics. I'm not sure if it's the winter of the summer.
Todd: Well, of the Olympics, what's your favorite event?
Travis: Running.
Todd: Running
Travis: Just straight running. It seems like a very pure athletic7 event. There's no guess work in it. There's not five judge panel8 trying to decide who won, and then the Canadian judge and the France judge get in a fight and they have to decide. Nothing like that happens. It's just run, clock, stop and whoever got through the finish line the fastest wins. It seems very pure athleticism9, so I like running: 100 meter dash,
200 meter dash, all of that, and long runs too. I used to run when I was in high school so that helps a little bit. Not short distances. I used to run cross country, three and five miles.
Todd: Ooh, that's a long ways. Are you still a runner?
Travis: Well I went running tonight but I don't consider myself to be much of a runner. No, I only say that some day I am going to train and run a marathon but I have yet to train and run a marathon. Maybe someday. Yeah, I did it when I was in Bangkok and it about killed me. Yeah, running in Bangkok, running a marathon in Bangkok was not the smartest thing. It was terrible because they had, they have pollution right, Bangkok's a great city but they have a lot of pollution right. They have to have marathon at 4 o'clock in the morning before the cars start running, and then when you're running the marathon some of the policeman that are officiating have to wear like masks because of the pollution in the air, so when you're running a marathon through that it's not that fun. But anyway, you should do it. You should run a marathon. 
I think maybe I will but perhaps after I finish school this year. 
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
suckered into
I will probably get suckered into watching the Olympics, for sure.
When someone convinces10 you to do something that you really didn't want to do you can say that you got 'suckered into' it.  We use this phrase especially when the person isn't completely honest in their efforts to make us do something. Notice the following:
I can't believe I got suckered into coming to this meeting with you.
She got suckered into moving in with him.
go overboard
I think they kind of go overboard, having it on every channel.
If you 'go overboard' you take something to the extreme. Notice the following:
She goes overboard every time she entertains.
They went a little overboard for their daughter's first birthday party.
A channel that covered the Olympics had mostly personal stories of athletes.
In this case 'cover' refers to something that is shown on television or talked about on the radio.  We use 'covered' in this way to talk about news or journalism11. Notice the following:
We need someone to cover the situation in front of the embassy12.
He was a famous journalist because he covered dangerous cases.
fed up
A lot of people got really fed up with it and didn't watch much of the Olympics then.
When you are frustrated13 to the point where you can't handle any more you can say that you are 'fed up.' Notice the following:
He is fed up with his roommate's messiness.
I am fed up with having trouble with my car.
about killed me
I ran a marathon in Bangkok, and it about killed me.
Usually we use this phrase to say that something was really difficult.  I doesn't necessarily14 mean that we were close to death. Notice the following:
Working for him about killed me.
All of those exams and finals just about killed me.


1 profile aQwxV     
  • I turned my head and saw the profile of a man.我转过头,看见一个人的侧影。
  • He drew her profile.他给她画侧面像。
2 profiles d970728376beb137057865c63baa822f     
n.侧面( profile的名词复数 );外形;印象;[建筑学](建筑物等的)纵断面图v.扼要介绍( profile的第三人称单数 );给…画侧面图;描…的轮廓;用数字图表(或量变曲线)表示
  • The company's senior executives were insisting on low profiles. 公司的高级官员现在都尽量不抛头露面。 来自辞典例句
  • A line of hills profiles against the night sky. 夜空衬托出隐约可见的群山。 来自辞典例句
3 tuned b40b43fd5af2db4fbfeb4e83856e4876     
adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike. 这个度假胜地适合各种口味,老少皆宜。
  • The instruments should be tuned up before each performance. 每次演出开始前都应将乐器调好音。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 coverage nvwz7v     
  • There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
  • This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage.这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。
5 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
6 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
7 athletic sOPy8     
  • This area has been marked off for athletic practice.这块地方被划出来供体育训练之用。
  • He is an athletic star.他是一个运动明星。
8 panel l4IzD     
  • The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.墙上不同寻常的控制板引起了我们的注意。
  • The panel of judges included several well-known writers.评判小组中包括几位知名作家。
9 athleticism d20ac2b2c102e5e4e398a5543e3ce2da     
  • He brings defense. He brings talent. He brings athleticism. That's a lot. “他带来的防御,他带来了人才,他带来了身体,这是很多”。 来自互联网
  • Each of these sports isn't won through sheer athleticism alone. 每个体育项目无法凭借纯粹的运动能力而获胜。 来自互联网
10 convinces 78df83b42d67d640c673d17bc18dfc94     
v.使相信( convince的第三人称单数 );使明白;使确信;说服
  • Bt DTU, Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜问鼎秘要的文件。 来自互联网
  • At CTU, Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜染指机密的文件。 来自互联网
11 journalism kpZzu8     
  • He's a teacher but he does some journalism on the side.他是教师,可还兼职做一些新闻工作。
  • He had an aptitude for journalism.他有从事新闻工作的才能。
12 embassy HPWz2     
  • Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy.很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。
  • He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.他是美国驻伦敦大使馆的一名外交官。
13 frustrated ksWz5t     
adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧
  • It's very easy to get frustrated in this job. 这个工作很容易令人懊恼。
  • The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们出行的愿望。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 necessarily iGQxo     
  • More work does not necessarily call for more men.增加工作量不一定就要增添人员。
  • A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.选民必须在18岁以上。
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