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【英语趣味课堂】新公寓-New Apartment

时间:2016-05-13 07:00来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Todd: Do you have a good apartment in Japan?
Ivan: Uh, I got one now. Yeah. It's a 2DK, 2DK.
Todd: Yeah, what does 2DK mean?
Ivan: Ah, it's smaller than the 2LDK, uh, it's got a kitchen and two rooms.
Todd: Oh, really.
Ivan: Yeah. 2LDK, maybe that it's like living room, dining room, kitchen, all in one.
Todd: I don't know. So anyway, what's it like?
Ivan: It's better than my old place. I used to live in what's called a "gaijin house" which is just a shared apartment. I had a 6 mat room, and a shared bathroom. Ah, not I have two 8 mat rooms, and my own bathroom, and a kitchen with 4 burners,
instead of 2, uh, yeah!
Todd: Oh, wow, so you're in your new place now?
Ivan: Yeah, I'm in my new place now. Actually, the old place was owned by a company, they owned the land, and this really, really, awful woman owned the building, so I rented a room from the woman. I woke up one morning and the manager was putting stuff1 in, was putting flyers in people's mailboxes. I took a look at the flyer. The flyer was saying that the company was going to destroy the building within a month period, so they were warning us to get out. Well, the manager was busy taking these flyers, so that the people inside the apartment wouldn't see it and move out. She wanted to get one more month of rent from us. So I took my flyer and I went down to the company that owned the land and said, "Where can I live now? You're making us leave in a month." He said, " Oh, I feel really bad about what you told me happened, so he gave me this 2DK, which is normally2 120,000 a month for 60,000 with no key money and no deposit3
Todd: Wow! That's nice.
Ivan: Yeah, I got lucky.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
all in one

My place was like living room, dining room, and kitchen all in one.

We use the phrase 'all in one' to show that something is combination4 of many things. Notice the following:

This is shampoo, conditioner and body wash all in one.
It's like a scarf, a blanket and a jacket all in one.

I used to live in a shared apartment, and we had a shared bathroom.

A 'shared' apartment is one that you live in with other people who are not part of your family.  This means that the kitchen, the bathrooms and the living room are used by other people. Notice the following:

Each room has its own bathroom, but there is a shared kitchen.
Most people live in shared houses in university.
took a look

I took a look at the flyer in my mailbox.

When you 'take a look' at something you view or look at it and read its contents or study it. Notice the following:

You should get a dentist to take a look at your tooth.
Will you take a look at this problem and tell me what you think?
get out

The flyer was to warn us that we needed to get out.

If you have to 'get out' of a place you need to leave there soon or immediately.  This is not a polite way to tell someone to leave and it shows that you are angry or the situation is dangerous. Notice the following:

Get out of here! There's a fire in the building!
I told him to get out of my house.
key money and deposit

They gave me the place with no key money and deposit.

'Key money' or a 'deposit' are basically5 the same thing. They are advanced rent or money given as security6 to someone you rent a house or apartment from. This is in case you damage the place or decide to leave quickly and break your contract. The landlord7 returns this money at the end of your contract if there is no damage to the house. Notice the following:

I should get my deposit back at the end of next week.
The landlord required one month's rent as the security deposit.


1 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
2 normally ln8zVb     
  • I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays.我通常在星期六买东西。
  • My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。
3 deposit Rwkx5     
  • There is too much deposit in a bottle of wine.酒瓶里有太多的沉淀物。
  • The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.旅馆规定凡预订房间都要先付订金。
4 combination dWUyT     
  • He carried on the business in combination with his friends.他与朋友们合伙做生意。
  • The materials can be used singly or in combination.这些材料可以单独使用也可以混合用。
5 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
6 security iTdzh     
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.一名保安人员飞身把他抱倒。
  • There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed.总统的专机降落时,机场的保安措施很严密。
7 landlord H2sxF     
  • He is the landlord of this pub.他是这家酒店的店主。
  • He used to be a long - term labourer for a landlord.他早先给地主扛过长活。
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