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时间:2016-05-16 05:05来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Todd: So, Eli, can you talk a little about England and maybe about it's climate and it's weather, it's leaders, what people eat?
Eli: Well, I'm not going to talk about leaders right now because that's a bit of a sore point but England weather, hmm, that is a bit of a sore point to. It's not the greatest weather in the world, especially compared to Japan where I am now, which the weather I just love. England is always cold, almost always cold even through the summer it's quite cold I hear. This summer it's been sort of jacket weather all summer with only a few days of sunshine and it rains a lot, so it's pretty miserable1 as far as weather's concerned.
Todd: Now, you're from Bristol right. What's your hometown like?
Eli: Bristol's a great town. I used to live in London which is the capital of England and it's very gray and big and unfriendly but when I moved to Bristol it was just great. It is a city but it's a very small city so you can always bump2 into your friends, um, always meet people. It's got big green areas. It's got a place called the downs which is a big park, and it's the architecture3 of the city is very old. It's very near Bath, which is a very famous old Roman town, where the Roman baths were, so all the sort of architecture of the city
the houses, all of it's very pretty.
Todd: OK. What are the Downs like? You said the downs. Is that a park?
Eli: The downs. It's, it's a big area of green basically4. It's not a park as in lots of trees and trees and sort of shrubbery and stuff5. It's just a big wide spread of greenery where you can play football. I mean there's 
football matches sort of every week. You can go fly your kites. You can take your kids there. And that joins on to the Avon-gorge6, which is where the Bristol suspension7 bridge is, which is very famous as being I think the first ever suspension bridge built, and from standing8 on the bridge and looking out into the gorge, I mean you'd think you're in the middle of the mountains, not in the middle of the city. It's a really pretty area.
Todd: Sounds like a nice place.


1 miserable g18yk     
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
2 bump rWUzQ     
  • I heard a bump in the next room.我听到隔壁房间传来“砰”的一声。
  • He got a bad bump on his forehead.他碰得前额隆起一个大包。
3 architecture mNky9     
  • I'm interested in classical architecture.我喜爱古典建筑风格。
  • She studied architecture and art history at the university.她在大学里学习建筑和艺术史。
4 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
5 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
6 gorge Zf1xm     
  • East of the gorge leveled out.峡谷东面地势变得平坦起来。
  • It made my gorge rise to hear the news.这消息令我作呕。
7 suspension 0rMw2     
  • The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.地方当局决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。
  • A four-day suspension was imposed on her.她被勒令停职4天。
8 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
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