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【英语趣味课堂】食物和健康-Food and Health

时间:2016-05-17 05:36来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Adrienne: So, Mike, you don't eat fast food, huh?

Mike: No, no. I find fast food not very healthy and I try to eat healthy and try to live a healthy kind of lifestyle.
Adrienne: How do you do that?
Mike: Well, I'm going to the gym, not smoking1, just generally trying not to do too much bad stuff2 for your body I guess, you know like over doing things.
Adrienne: What kind of things do you think are bad for your body?
Mike: Stress, probably the worst thing is stress, but of course I think anything you do to much of, like you know, for example, if you, if you're somebody who smokes then smoking too much is probably a bad thing, although of course smoking I think is not good at all, but anyways, or, like if some people, if you want to go out for drinks then drinking too much is probably a bad thing, or eating too much is a bad thing so, so everything I think in balance is the healthiest thing.
Adrienne: Moderation is the key!
Mike: That's the word.
Adrienne: So what kind of things do you do to stay healthy?
Mike: Um, well, wake up, I mean wake up early, go for a run or go to the gym in the morning, everyday, and then just try to eat a balanced diet, not eat a lot of, like you said at the beginning, like fast food and stuff I stay away from in general, and not try to over do it with, try not to get too stressed3 out about things at work, and also try not to party too much.
Adrienne: Do you have any fast food that you like to eat just once in awhile, just as a special treat?
Mike: Um, yeah, sure! I mean I love chocolate, so you know, for sure. I've lived in Belgium for several months and I got used to really, really good Belgium chocolate.
Adrienne: Very good chocolate there!
Mike: Absolultely, so yeah! It's kind of, if I do occasionally4 I'll have a little bit of Belgium chocolate.
Adrienne: Mm, that sounds good. Maybe we should get some.
fast food
I don't eat fast food because I find them not very healthy. 
'Fast food' is food that a restaurant can make very quickly or already has made when you order it. People frequently5 eat fast food in their cars to save time when they are traveling. Hamburgers are a very common type of fast food. Notice the following:
This is the most popular fast food restaurant around here.
Fast food makes me feel terrible.
Moderation is the key, because anything that's too much is a bad thing. 
You are showing 'moderation' when you avoid extremes6 of anything. You keep something at a healthy limit. For example, if you go shopping and there are 4 shirts that you want but you only buy one because you only need one you are showing moderation. Notice the following:
He used to buy everything in sight, but now he shows more moderation.
Moderation is not an easy thing to have when the food is this good.
balanced diet
I try to eat a balanced diet and stay away from fast food. 
If someone has a 'balanced diet' he eats healthy foods from the important food groups, like vegetables, fruits, meats and grains. If everything you eat is from one food group you do not have a balanced diet. Notice the following:
The doctor told me that I need to try to have a more balanced diet.
It's hard to have a balanced diet when you eat in restaurants all the time.
special treat or treat
Do you have any fast food that you like to each once in a while, just as a special treat? 
A 'special treat' is something that you do or eat once in a while as a reward7. It is something that is not a good idea to do or eat all the time. Typically a food 'treat' is considered something sweet, but it can really be anything that isn't very good for you but you enjoy. Notice the following:
I get a coffee from here once a week as a special treat.
Eating in a nice restaurant like this is a special treat for me.
Occasionally, I'll have a little bit of Belgium chocolate. 
'Occasionally' is the same as 'once in a while.' Notice the following:
He spends most of his time at his university, but he comes home occasionally.
Occasionally I walk to the supermarket instead of going in my car.


1 smoking NilzKh     
  • He was wise to give up smoking.他戒烟是明智的。
  • He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。
2 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
3 stressed mhPzAJ     
  • Loud music makes me stressed out.大声的音乐让我很紧张。
  • He stressed that we should always be honest.他强调我们应该永远诚实。
4 occasionally EInxn     
  • He went on talking,occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续说着,偶尔用毛巾擦一下脸。
  • I like playing football best,but occasionally I play table tennis,too.我最喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。
5 frequently wiHxT     
  • Please write to me frequently.请经常给我来信。
  • I like that you should call on me frequently.我喜欢你经常来拜访我。
6 extremes 622c334b5994c70defc4b9f7a739d438     
极端( extreme的名词复数 ); 极端政策(或办法、手段、行动、措施等); 极端不同的感情(或境况、行为方式等); [常用复数]在两末端的事物
  • He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。
  • It's a difficult place to live because of its climatic extremes. 该地气候极端,很难让人生存。
7 reward lXfxz     
  • He will expect some reward after working so hard.他工作很努力,会得到报偿的。
  • I didn't do it for reward;I did it for love.我做这件事不是为了报酬,而是出于爱好。
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