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【英语趣味课堂】短信-Text Messaging

时间:2016-06-01 07:07来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Jake: So, Lyndsay do you like to text message a lot on your cell1 phone ?
Lindsay: Yeah, actually, I text message a lot.
Jake: I don't do it so much. Sometimes I prefer to just call someone on the phone if I'm in a hurry.
Lindsay: Yeah, I go both ways. Sometimes I know I don't really want to talk to the person. I just want to ask them one question, so it's so much easier for me just to text them and say, "Are you going to the party tonight" for example instead of calling them, because I know if I call them, I'm gonna have to have a long conversation.
Jake: Yeah, I can see what you mean. Well, usually I get off the phone pretty quickly when I call someone. I'm not a big talker.
Lindsay: Yeah, that's true, Jake. You don't talk a lot. But, in general, I like to call people because I think it adds a more personal touch.
Jake: So are you fast at writing the messages with your thumb2?
Lindsay: Well, when I first got a cell phone, which was actually only five years ago, I was so slow, I thought I would never text message, and I always called people, but then people kept text messaging me so I felt obligated to try to learn how to text message, so now, I'm pretty fast actually. What about you?
Jake: Actually, I have the opposite problem, where when I first got my cell phone, I thought it was so cool and I had to text message all my friends who had one, and I was pretty fast with my thumb then, but it seems like now I don't use it so much, and I've gotten slower actually.
Lindsay: Yeah, I think the text message actually is sort3 of has to do with your age, for example, I text message a lot and I know people younger than me, for example people in high school, they text message a lot, but I asked my father if he text messages, and guess what he said?
Jake: What?
Lindsay: Well, of course, he said he never text messages. He thinks it's very juevenile and unprofessional to text message someone.
Jake: Yeah, I can see what he means4. It's usually associated5 with young people and considered pretty informal6 to text message someone.
Lindsay: Yeah, it is really informal, I think, because you're just using your thumb and you're trying to write fast. Rarely7 do you ever write 'dear' or 'from' or use polite language, right?
Jake: Yeah, because you're using your thumb, you have to write the messages as short as you possibly can.
Lindsay: Right, I mean, it sort of makes sense8, when I think that I would never text message someone I didn't know very well. I only text message people I'm good friends with and comfortable with.
Jake: Well, it serves it purpose then, doesn't it.
Lindsay: Yeah, I guess, I mean it is cheaper than calling someone, but, you know, other times it's better to call someone, don't you think.
Jake: Yeah, definitely9.


1 cell mUyyp     
  • Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.肥皂破坏细菌的细胞壁。
  • They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.他们已把犯人监禁在小牢房里。
2 thumb Covw0     
  • This glove has a hole in the thumb.这只手套的大拇指处有个洞。
  • The little boy was sucking his thumb.小男孩儿吮着拇指。
3 sort qw7wK     
  • She was a strange sort of person.她这个人有些古怪。
  • I don't much care for that sort of man.我不太喜欢那种人。
4 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
5 associated CyJzoK     
  • the risks associated with taking drugs 与吸毒有关的危险
  • I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out. 我不想参与你们的计划,我要退出。
6 informal fQVzW     
  • I got an informal reception.我受到了非正式接待。
  • The leaders met over informal lunches.领袖们在非正式午餐时进行会晤。
7 rarely tT2x4     
  • Such fish is rarely met with in the north country.这种鱼在北方难得看到。
  • He rarely comes here anymore.现在他难得来这儿了。
8 sense 8zEwh     
  • He has a strong sense of humor.他很有幽默感。
  • He has a sense that somone is standing behind him.他有一种有人站在他后面的那种感觉。
9 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
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