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【英语趣味课堂】落网球-Net Ball

时间:2016-06-02 02:30来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Dai: So Naomi, you’re from Wales1 and you’re eleven. So what does an eleven-year old girl do for fun in Wales?
Naomi: I do music. I play the piano and the violin and I play sports: netball.
Dai: Net ball? What’s that?
Naomi: Yeah, it’s like a basketball a bit, but mostly girls play it. You have to...you have two teams and you have to try and get the ball in each others’ nets.
Dai: Oh OK, so it’s just like basketball. You bounce2 it around and...
Naomi: Well, you don’t really bounce it that much. You can only bounce it once.
Dai: Oh really?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: Oh OK, I see. And you play it indoors3 then or...?
Naomi: Yeah mostly indoors - in the summer sometimes outdoors.
Dai: Oh OK, sounds good. Yeah so, you can only bounce it once?
Naomi: Yeah, there’s three different passes you can do. One is you use a bounce called “bounce pass” and you can only use a bounce once.
Dai: OK, to pass it to your teammate4.
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: OK, and what are the other passes?
Naomi: There’s “chest5 pass”.
Dai: And what’s that?
Naomi: It’s just a straight pass from your chest to the other person’s chest.
Dai: Oh OK.
Naomi: And “shoulder pass” which is sort of a lob.
Dai: Like a lob, you throw it over your shoulder kind of thing. And so, it’s just...well like basketball somebody throws it in the net and how many points do you get?
Naomi: It’s one point for every net - every ball that you get in the net.
Dai: Oh OK. and how long is a game of netball?
Naomi: Probably about an hour.
Dai: Oh really? So like half an hour each side or...?
Naomi: Yeah, I think so.
Dai: OK, and how many people are there on a team?
Naomi: Seven.
Dai: Seven?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: OK, nice.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
Mostly girls play net ball.
The word 'mostly' is similar in meaning to 'almost all'.  Notice the following:
Football is mostly a man's sport.
That restaurant serves mostly chicken.
each other
You try and get the ball in each other's nets.
Here, we use the phrase6 'each other' to talk about two teams. Notice the following:
The two teams do not like each other.
We gave each other present for the holidays.
You bounce the ball around.
When we drop a ball it bounces7 back up.  Notice the following:
You must bounce the ball in basketball.
The ball took a big bounce after I dropped it.
There's three different passes you can do in net ball.
To pass means8 to quickly give something to someone.  In sports we pass to our teammates.  Notice the following:
She passed the ball to her teammate.
The most difficult pass in netball is the shoulder pass.
The shoulder pass is sort of a lob.
The word 'lob' means to slowly throw something, usually a ball.  Notice the following:
We lobbed the ball to the baby.
When I get home I always lob my keys onto the table.


1 Wales jeczml     
  • The company are opening up a new factory in Wales.公司将在威尔士开一家新工厂。
  • She teaches English at the University of Wales.她在威尔士大学教英语。
2 bounce BRqyP     
  • She's got a lot of bounce.她浑身都是劲。
  • The ball gave a high bounce.那球弹得很高。
3 indoors q7Mxv     
  • Because of the coldness of the weather we stayed indoors.我们因天气寒冷呆在家里。
  • It is very cold outside,you'd better come indoors across the board.外面很冷,你们所有人最好都进屋。
4 teammate iqgwS     
  • He is a great teammate.他是一个伟大的队友。
  • He missed the ball passed from his teammate.他没能接住队友传来的球。
5 chest sUMyW     
  • The bear's chest is hairy.那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。
  • Mother has a pain in her chest.母亲胸口疼.。
6 phrase 6N2x7     
  • The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。
  • That's exactly the phrase I was looking for.这就是我一直找的那个短语。
7 bounces cdededa997a5a27c7b092a9bdca94420     
v.弹回( bounce的第三人称单数 );(电子邮件)被退回;拒付;(朝某个方向)颠簸行进
  • Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly. 卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子,但他恢复得很快。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A rubber ball bounces well. 橡皮球弹力好。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
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