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【英语趣味课堂】韩国的家庭-Korean Family

时间:2016-06-08 02:56来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Isthma: Sunny, your family sounds really interesting. Can you tell me more about your family?
Sunny: Okay, I have a dad and mom and a younger brother. My dad is a banker, and my mom is a housewife1, and my brother goes to high school.
Isthma: So, in your family, who likes to read?
Sunny: I think my brother likes to read a lot, especially these comic books. And I think my father likes to read newspapers, and my mom loves reading essays.
Isthma: Wow. So, who doesn't like reading in your family?
Sunny: I think it's me.
Isthma: Same here. So, in your family, does anyone like music?
Sunny: Hmm, I think everyone in my family likes music, and especially me, I play various instruments, so I think it's me that likes to listen to music the most.
Isthma: Mm-hm. Does anyone else play music in your family, like instruments?
Sunny: I think it's only me, but my brother likes to listen to like pop music in Korea2. And he introduces to me some like new boy bands or girl bands in Korea.
Isthma: And who likes to cook in your family?
Sunny: My mom and dad, I can say. My mom can cook Korean foods, and it's really good. She's from the like one region3 that's really famous for like good foods. And my dad used to bake a lot, and he still bakes like cakes and breads for our family. But I think my brother and I can cook.
Isthma: In your family, who likes to exercise?
Sunny: Except me, I can say. My family loves exercising, especially my dad and my brother. They go to soccer fields together to play some games. And my mom also likes to work out in gyms, or like she also plays badminton, but it's only me that don't go out for exercising.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
My dad is banker.
A banker is someone with a high position in a bank. Notice the following:
I could never be a banker, I'm terrible at math.
I've heard that her mom is a banker.
My mom loves reading essays.
An essay is a short writing on a specific4 subject. Notice the following:
The teacher assigned5 an essay for homework.
I have to write an essay on local government; how boring!
same here
Same here; I really don't like reading.
The term 'same here' is similar in meaning to 'me too'. Notice the following:
You like football? Same here.
You like football? Me too.
My brother introduces me to new bands.
When we introduce someone to something, that means6 we show them or tell them about it for the first time. Notice the following:
My dad introduced me to jazz music.
They quickly introduced me to the local nightlife..
work out
My mom also like to work out.
The term 'work out' means to exercise. Notice the following:
He works7 out four times a week.
I'm too tired to work out today.


1 housewife 7c0xI     
  • The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice.巧妇难为无米之炊。
  • She was a housewife of experience.她是一个有经验的主妇。
2 Korea dpXzcH     
  • Korea lies to the east of China.韩国位于中国东面。
  • Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River.朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。
3 region RUtxZ     
  • The students went to study the geology of that region.学生们去研究那个地区的地质情况。
  • It is unusual to see snow in this region.这个地区难得见到雪。
4 specific Qvfwp     
  • The money is to be used for specific purposes.这笔钱有专门用途。
  • We haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting.我们会议的具体日期还没有定下来。
5 assigned gyezob     
  • But read-only values are different,in that they are assigned at runtime.但是只读的值是不同的,因为它们是在运行时被赋值的。
6 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
7 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
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