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  • 经济学人498:投资管理 贝莱德来了 Leaders 领导人们 Investment management 投资管理 The rise of BlackRock 贝莱德来了 In 25 years, BlackRock has become the world's biggest investor. Is its dominance a problem? 贝莱德二十五年间成为世界上最大资产管理公司,
  • 经济学人499:莫迪是印度的救星还是克星? Leaders 社论 India 印度 Would Modi save India or wreck it? 莫迪是印度的救星还是克星? India's Muslims have reason to fear Narendra Modi. He should reach out to them. 莫迪令印度的穆斯林教徒害怕也是情有可原的,他应
  • 经济学人500:最低工资标准 多少才合理 Leaders 社论 Minimum wages 最低工资标准 The logical floor 多少才合理 Moderate minimum wages do more good than harm. They should be set by technocrats not politicians 实施适度的最低工资标准利大于弊,但是它们应该由技术
  • 经济学人501:乌克兰危机 不是同一场电影 Leaders 社论 Crisis in Ukraine 乌克兰危机 Not the same movie 不是同一场电影 The situation in Ukraine is volatile and dangerous. The West must act 对于乌克兰目前动荡,危险的局势,西方国家必须采取行动。 SAME pla
  • 经济学人502:飓风与气候变化 Asia 亚洲 Cyclones and climate change 飓风与气候变化 The new normal? 习以为常? Physics suggests that storms will get worse as the planet warms. But it is too early to tell if it is actually happening 物理学研究表明全球变暖将导
  • 经济学人503:转基因作物 遭受捣毁 Leaders 头条关注 Genetically modified crops 转基因作物 Fields of beaten gold 遭受捣毁 Greens say climate-change deniers are unscientific and dangerous. So are greens who oppose GM crops 环保主义者表示,气候变化否认者是不科学
  • 经济学人504:证券化 重新启动 Leaders 社论 Securitisation 证券化 It's back 重新启动 Once a cause of the financial world's problems, securitisation is now part of the solution 证券化曾经是导致金融危机的因素之一,如今却能帮助解决金融难题 GIVEN
  • 经济学人505:英国规划法 英国人之家 Leaders 社论 Britain's planning laws 英国规划法 An Englishman's home 英国人之家 The shortage of housing is a gathering national crisis. Rev up the bulldozers 英国住房匮乏,危机重重,应大兴土木! NOW that the economy is a
  • 经济学人506:律师事务所 标价更高 收益更少 Business 商业报道 Law firms 律师事务所 Charging more, getting less 标价更高,收益更少 Lawyers' biggest customers are discovering that they can haggle 律师的最大客户们发现他们能与律师还价 THERE were groans in big co
  • 经济学人507:阿里埃勒·沙龙 也许会有人怀念他 Leaders 社论精粹 Ariel Sharon 阿里埃勒沙龙 He may be missed 也许会有人怀念他 Israel neededand still needsa man like Ariel Sharon to bludgeon a path to peace 以色列曾经需要现在依旧需要像阿里埃勒沙龙那样的人去为
  • 经济学人508:洪水泛滥大不列颠 Leaders-Britain 社论 Britain's floods 洪水泛滥大不列颠 Canute Cameron 卡梅伦祸从口出 The prime minister's response to the floods has been patchy; but it is wrong to blame him for them 首相治洪引发质疑,归咎于他有失公允
  • 经济学人509:Facebook与WhatsApp Business 商业报道 Facebook and WhatsApp Facebook与WhatsApp Getting the messages 即时通讯,拿下! Why Mark Zuckerberg's social network is paying such a whopping sum for a messaging startup 马克?扎克伯格的网络帝国为何花这么大
  • 经济学人510:国际新秩序 Leaders 社论 The new world order 国际新秩序 The post-Soviet world order was far from perfect, but Vladimir Putin's idea for replacing it is much worse 后苏联时代世界秩序远不够完美,普京构建新秩序的想法却更糟 IN PEOP
  • 经济学人511:经济战场 天然气和巧克力 The economic battleground 经济战场 Gas and chocolate 天然气和巧克力 Supporting Ukraine's economy will not be easy or cheap 支持乌克兰的经济怕是既不容易也不廉价 THE Ukrainian economy is a mess. 乌克兰的经济现在是一
  • 经济学人512:宇宙学 揭秘宇宙的起源 Leaders 社论 Cosmology 宇宙学 Man suddenly sees the start of the universe 揭秘宇宙的起源 The quest to understand reality takes a great leap backwards 科学新突破探索宇宙诞生之初的真相 IN THE beginning was the word and the w