纪录片《长生不老》 01不老药
For centuries, scientists have been attempting 几个世纪以来 科学家们都在尝试 to come up with an elixir of youth. 发明一种不老药 I did not know, 我不知道 would I look twenty years younger two weeks later? 自己是否会在两周
纪录片《长生不老》 02越长越老
Ageing is happening to us all of the time. 衰老与我们形影相随 Some of us fight it, 有人与其抗争 most of us see it as an inevitable part of life. 绝多数人视其为生命中不可避免的一部分 Our own family is often our best gu
纪录片《长生不老》 03衰老的成因
Understanding why we age has been a major scientific mystery. 弄明白我们衰老的原因成了一个科学之谜 I think all of us kind of know what ageing is all about 我想我们都知道什么是衰老 because we've either experienced it, I m
纪录片《长生不老》 04与疾病斗争
Each scientist is trying to solve a piece of this vast jigsaw, 科学家正试着解决一点问题 hopeful that what they've 希望他们发现的 uncovered will help us live healthier and longer. 能使我们活得更健康长寿 Could it even mean
纪录片《长生不老》 05更年轻
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纪录片《长生不老》 06对食物的偏好
Somehow food habits 对食物的偏好 seem to be particularly difficult to break. 似乎极难改变 One of the things that was 我最喜欢的食物 a sort of favourite of mine was ice-cream. 是冰激凌 It took me a long time to stop it all toget
纪录片《长生不老》 07延寿的希望
I know about a dozen people voluntarily restricting 我知道很多人控制 their foods so that they're 他们的饮食 因此他们 hungry during the day in the hopes that that will 在能够延寿的希望中 extend their life span, 忍受饥饿 b
纪录片《长生不老》 08长寿基因
For scientists like David, 对像大卫这样的科学家 yeast is the perfect research specimen. 以酵母为研究对象再适合不过了 It's a simple organism with only 它是只有6000个基因的简单组织 6,000 genes, a tenth the amount we
纪录片《长生不老》 09限制卡路里不再有效
It had already been established that like mice, 这种联系已经开始在老鼠身上建立了 normal yeast lives longer on a calorie restricted diet. 正常酵母在控制卡路里后活得更长了 So with this in mind, 所以以此为基础 Davi
纪录片《长生不老》 10减缓衰老的方法
Could it be done? Would it be worth the hunt? 这个会实现吗 它值得我们去找吗 Results from the experimental group suggest that it was. 实验组的结果表明它值得 They've low blood pressure, low cholesterol 他们血压 胆固醇正常
纪录片《长生不老》 11抗衰老药
Could this be the ultimate anti-ageing pill in a bottle? 这最终会成为装在瓶子里的抗衰老药吗 David sold his company to GlaxoSmithKline for 720 million, 大卫以72亿把他的公司卖给了葛兰素史克 but it's too early to know w
纪录片《长生不老》 12心跳最快的动物寿命最短
Professor Arlan Richardson 阿伦理查森教授 was tackling an idea known to most of us, 在研究我们早知道的观点 that anti-oxidants can make you live longer. 即抗氧化剂能延长寿命 The interesting thing about ageing is that 有趣的
纪录片《长生不老》 13葡萄汁是天然抗氧化剂
Purple grape juice has twice the natural antioxidant level. 紫葡萄汁含有两倍的天然抗氧化剂 Food companies competed over 食品生产商为谁的产品 whose product contained the most. 含最多抗氧化剂而竞争 Creams containing a
纪录片《长生不老》 14基因改变不了事情
So Arlan set out to do something that had never been done before. 因此阿伦开始做一件别人没做过的事 He bred sixteen different types of mice, 他培育了十六种不同种类的老鼠 with different abilities to resist oxidative stress
纪录片《长生不老》 15衰老过程十分缓慢
This was not what Arlan had hoped for. 这个结果不是阿伦所希望的 He had expected to confirm the theory, not to disprove it. 他曾希望证明这个学说 而不是推翻它 But this kind of surprise was kind of 这种出乎意料的发现并