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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第718期:set...free 释义: set... free 使自由,释放 最基本的短语 set ... free 表示使得到自由,可以用来表示监狱里释放犯人等,解除某人的约束。 例句: How about setting your parrot free? 把你的鹦鹉放了怎么样? And
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第719期:be all set 释义: be all set 准备好 be set (for) 表示定下来,可以理解为做好的准备。主要用为 be all set,与 be ready 有着相近的含义。 例句: Are you all set for traveling? 你做好旅游的准备了? Are you all set to
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第720期:be set to 释义: be set to 设定为,为 set 最基本的含义为设定,确定等,其被动形式 be set to+动词表示设定为,确定为等。 例句: She's set to receive it when she turns twenty-five. 如果她到了 25 岁,就可以得到这
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第721期:set (somebody) to work 释义: set (somebody) to work 开始做事 set to work 表示热情而果断地开始工作。反之像 set sb to work 一样,如果 set 后面的宾语为别人时就表示让对方做不情愿做的事情。 例句: How about we set to work
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第722期:set against 释义: set against 使相反,使产生反感 against 具有相反的含义,因此 set against 表示和睦相处的两个人突然反目成仇或者使对方产生反感。另外,还可以表示反对某事。 例句: I'm dead set against
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第723期:set aside set aside 单独存放,储备 He had money set aside for this. 他专门为了这个储备了一些钱。 I set aside this weekend to celebrate my wife's birthday; 我安排这个周末给老婆过生日。 I have a lot of time. I set aside my whol
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第724期:set off set off 出发,使工作,使爆炸,让闹钟响起 We're going to have to set it off manually. 我们得手动启动它了。 They set off to get the baby back. 他们接孩子去了。 We set off to visit the country. 我们出发去乡下探亲
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第725期:set on set on 设定,决定 You're still set on that? 你仍然坚持你的想法吗? If you're set on divorce, I can help you with that. 如果你决心要离婚,我可以帮你。 I never really had my heart set on being a novelist. 我从来就没有
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第726期:set out set out 开始,出发 She set out to break some records of her own. 她开始将自己的记录一个个打破。 That evening, she set out to break her pattern. 那天晚上,她打破了自己的固有模式。 They set out to find out who loved
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第727期:set up set up 创立 (establish) ,设定(日程等),欺骗 I'd like to set up an appointment for Thursday. 我想把约会定在星期四。 Is everything all set up? 一切都准备好了吗? You set me up! I will pay you back! 是你陷害我的!(
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第728期:set somebody up (with sb) set somebody up (with sb) 将某人介绍给某人 I'm not asking you to set me up. 我不是让你给我介绍对象。 You set me up with the woman that I've dumped twice. 你给我介绍的女人是我甩过两次的。 Is it okay with you if I se
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第729期:Do (would) you mind ... ing? 老外最常用的英文短语(MP3+中英字幕) 第729期:Do (would) you mind ... ing?Do (would) you mind ... ing? 你介意某事吗? Would you mind watching my bag for a moment? 你介意帮我看一下包裹吗? Do you mind picking me up tomo
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第730期:Do (Would) you mind if... ? Do (Would) you mind if... ? 做某事也可以吗? Would you mind if I smoke here? 我可以在这里抽烟吗? Do you mind if I take a look around here? 我在这里四处转转可以吗? Do you mind if we ask you some questions about her? 我和
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第731期:I don't mind I don't mind 我不介意 That's all right. I don't mind waiting. 没关系,我可以等一会儿。 I don't mind her hanging around with you. 我不介意你和她出去玩。 I don't mind if you ask. Go ahead. 我不介意你向我提问,有话直
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第732期:Never mind Never mind 不要在意某事 Never mind that. 不要在意。 Well, never mind me. It doesn't matter to me. 好,不用管我了。跟我没什么关系。 Never mind that we don't have it. 我们就算没有也无所谓。 Never mind what I want.