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英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第105期:第七章 梦魇(10)

时间:2018-06-19 08:06来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 If Edward was a vampire1, I could hardly make myself think the words  如果爱德华真的是一个吸血鬼,我很难让自己去想这个词

then what should I do? Involving someone else was definitely out.  我该怎么办?让别人牵连进来显然是不行的。
I couldn't even believe myself; anyone I told would have me committed. 我甚至不敢相信自己。不管我告诉谁,我都得承担相应的责任。
Only two options seemed practical. The first was to take his advice:  只有两个选项似乎比较有可行性。第一个是听取他的建议:
to be smart, to avoid him as much as possible. To cancel our plans,  聪明点,离他远远的。取消我们的计划,
to go back to ignoring him as far as I was able.  回到尽可能无视他的状态。
To pretend there was an impenetrably thick glass wall between us in the one class where we were forced together.  当我们被迫坐在一起上课的时候,假装我们之间有一堵无法穿透的,厚厚的玻璃墙。
To tell him to leave me alone — and mean it this time. 告诉他离自己远点——而且这一次要表现出来。
I was gripped in a sudden agony of despair as I considered that alternative.  当我思考着这个选择的时候,我忽然陷入了一种绝望的痛苦之中。
My mind rejected the pain, quickly skipping on to the next option. 我的心抗拒着这种痛苦,迅速跳到下一个选项。
I could do nothing different. After all, if he was something…  我什么也不用做。毕竟,就算他是某种
sinister2, he'd done nothing to hurt me so far.  危险的存在,至今他也没做什么伤害我的事。
In fact, I would be a dent3 in Tyler's fender if he hadn't acted so quickly.  事实上,如果他的动作不是那么快的话,我本来会成为泰勒的挡泥板下的一道凹痕的。
So quickly, I argued with myself, that it might have been sheer reflexes.  这么快,我和自己争论着,这绝对反映了一些问题。
But if it was a reflex to save lives, how bad could he be?  但如果这种反映是用来拯救生命的,他能有多坏?
I retorted. My head spun4 around in answerless circles. 我反驳着。我的脑子徒劳无功地转着。
There was one thing I was sure of, if I was sure of anything.  如果我能肯定什么事的话,有一件事情我很肯定。
The dark Edward in my dream last night was a reflection only of my fear of the word Jacob had spoken,  昨晚我梦里的那个黑暗的爱德华只是我对雅克布所说的话而产生的恐惧的表现,
and not Edward himself. Even so, when I'd screamed out in terror at the werewolf's lunge,  并非爱德华本人。虽然如此,当我因为狼人的进攻而惊恐地尖叫出声的时候,
it wasn't fear for the wolf that brought the cry of "no" to my lips.  我也不是因为害怕狼而从嘴里喊出了“不”。
It was fear that he would be harmed,even as he called to me with sharp-edged fangs5, I feared for him. 我只是害怕着他可能会受伤,即使他露出锋利的尖牙呼唤着我,我也在为他担心着。 


1 vampire 8KMzR     
  • It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!
  • Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉。
2 sinister 6ETz6     
  • There is something sinister at the back of that series of crimes.在这一系列罪行背后有险恶的阴谋。
  • Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives.他们的建议不仅一钱不值,而且包藏祸心。
3 dent Bmcz9     
  • I don't know how it came about but I've got a dent in the rear of my car.我不知道是怎么回事,但我的汽车后部有了一个凹痕。
  • That dent is not big enough to be worth hammering out.那个凹陷不大,用不着把它锤平。
4 spun kvjwT     
  • His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire.他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。
  • Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺成了细毛线。
5 fangs d8ad5a608d5413636d95dfb00a6e7ac4     
n.(尤指狗和狼的)长而尖的牙( fang的名词复数 );(蛇的)毒牙;罐座
  • The dog fleshed his fangs in the deer's leg. 狗用尖牙咬住了鹿腿。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Dogs came lunging forward with their fangs bared. 狗龇牙咧嘴地扑过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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