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  • 时差N小时 脂肪储存的来龙去脉

    When you eat a fatty food, it moves through the stomach andon to the intestines. 当你食用富含高脂肪的食物时,脂肪通过胃流入肠道。 In the intestines, a number of processes occur to transfer fat from the foodto special fat cells...

  • 时差N小时 地球上最成功的物种

    For many scientists, a species'success is measured by sheer numbers. 对很多科学家来说,一个物种的成功完全取决于数量。 In that case, the most successful species known toman is a type of bacterium known as S-A-R-11, or SAR-11 fo...

  • 时差N小时 为什么嘴唇会干呢?

    Let's start by reviewing the ways in which the surface of ourlips is different from the surface of the skin on the rest of ourbodies. 首先,我们需要知道嘴唇的表皮有别于身体其他部位的。 Basically, our lips are made of the same...

  • 时差N小时 二氧化碳增加食欲

    Carbon dioxide is a potent greenhouse gas. 二氧化碳是一种强力的温室气体。 Levels of carbon dioxide, or CO2, in the atmosphere are increasing at an unprecedented rate. 大气中的二氧化碳的浓度正在以前所未有的速度增长。...

  • 时差N小时 为什么生孩子很痛苦?

    Don, you sure are lucky don't have to give birth. 唐,你很幸运不用生孩子。 I'm glad we're an intelligent species, but boy, that infant head feelsmighty large going through that narrow birth canal. 我很高兴人类有着聪明才智,但是...

  • 时差N小时 鸟类并不笨头笨脑

    Neuroscientists' opinions about the brains of birds have changed. 神经系统科学家关于鸟类大脑的传统观念发生了转变。 In humans and other mammals,the roof of the forebrain has evolved into the cerebral cortex, a structure respons...

  • 时差N小时 做个乐观主义者

    Research shows that whether a person is an optimist or apessimist is related to their quality of life, including their physical health. 研究表明,不管一个人是乐观还是悲观,都他的生活质量息息相关,包括身体健康。 Th...

  • 时差N小时 地球引力是否改变

    Don, why are you slouching? 唐,为啥你无精打采? Don't you know it's bad for you? 你不知道这对你不好? Did you know that about 200 tons of debris strike the Earth every day? 你知道每天大约200吨的碎片来到地球? So I...

  • 时差N小时 洋葱是宠物杀手?

    You may already know that chocolate can be lethal to yourpet, but did you know that onions can be toxic to your catsand dogs too? 也许你已经知道巧克力对宠物的杀伤力,但是你知道小猫小狗吃了洋葱会中毒吗? And I'm not...

  • 时差N小时 肌肉生而不等

    It's not fair! 真不公平! What's not fair? 什么不公平? I was rereading the Constitution of the United States. It sayshere that All people are created equal. 我又读了一遍《美国宪法》,上面写着:人人生而平等。 That'...

  • 时差N小时 外星人来电

    Suppose one day scientists pick up a transmission they think isgenerated by aliens. 假如有一天,科学家收到到外星人发来的信号该怎么办呢? Now what? Do we build a landing strip andbreak out the welcome wagon? 我们有建造飞碟...

  • 时差N小时 巴克敏斯特福乐和他的球型屋顶

    Ever heard of a man named Buckminster Fuller, or Bucky, as hisfriends called him? 听说过一个叫巴克敏斯特福乐的人吗? R.Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth centuryscientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect. 朋...

  • 时差N小时 胎儿能听到什么?

    Did you ever do this when you were young: 你年轻的时候有没有这样做过呢? Dive to the bottom of a swimming pool with a friend, then have your friend yell a phrase into the water? 与朋友一起潜入游泳池底部,然后让你的朋友...

  • 时差N小时 神奇的蟹

    What's the difference between a hard-shelled blue crab anda soft-shelled blue crab? 你知道软壳青蟹和硬壳青蟹有什么区别吗? Is this a trick question? 这个问题很难吗? I'll give you a hent. It has to do with the crab's skelet...

  • 时差N小时 无惧恐慌

    It's an ordinary day. 这是平常的一天。 You may be entirely relaxed, settling down to watch some TV. 你放松身心,专心地看着电视。 Suddenly you begin to feel scared. 突然你感到恐惧。 Everything around you is becoming unrea...
