Lesson 46 A Cup Of Coffee
第46课 一杯咖啡
If you ask a grocer for some coffee, he will give you a dark-brown powder which has a strong, pleasant smell.
你去杂货商那儿买咖啡, 他会给你一种深棕色的粉末, 散发着强烈的香味。
From this powder we can make one of the nicest of all drinks—a cup of coffee.
用这种粉末, 我们就能冲出所有饮料中最美味的饮料之一——咖啡。
It is made very easily.
Put into the pot a heaped-up tablespoonful of the coffee, and pour on it one pint2 of boiling water.
把一茶匙堆得冒尖的咖啡放进壶里, 然后倒上一品脱开水。
In five minutes the water will have drawn3 out all the strength of the coffee, and then you may pour it off and drink it with milk and sugar.
过了五分钟, 水就把咖啡粉里的“精华”提取出去了, 然后就可以倒出来, 加上糖和牛奶喝了。
But how does the grocer get the brown powder which we call coffee?
但是, 杂货商是怎么拿到那种我们叫做“咖啡”的棕色粉末的呢?
If you ask him, he will tell you that he buys sacks of hard green or yellow seeds—coffee-beans, as they are called.
问问他, 他会告诉你, 他买了很多袋绿色或者黄色的硬种子, 名叫“咖啡豆”。
He roasts these seeds in a pan, till they become dark brown,
他把咖啡豆放在平底锅里烤, 最后烤成了深棕色,
and then he grinds them to powder in a little mill, and sells this brown powder to you as "coffee. "
然后放在小型的磨粉机里磨成粉, 再把这种叫“咖啡”的棕色的粉卖给你。
Where did the seeds come from?
We must go to hot countries like Arabia or Brazil to see the coffee plant growing.
我们要到热带地区, 比如阿拉伯地区或者巴西, 才能看到生长的咖啡树。
咖啡树是一种小型的常绿乔木, 最多只有10—12英尺高,
with leaves somewhat like those of the laurel, and pretty white flowers that smell very sweetly.
叶子有点儿像月桂树的叶子, 长着漂亮的小白花, 白花有浓郁的香气。
When the flowers drop off, red berries about the size of a cherry come in their place.
花落了以后, 在原来的地方, 会长出樱桃大小的红色浆果,
Inside each coffee-berry there are two seeds or "beans, " which grow close together.
每只咖啡浆果里面, 都有两粒“豆子”长在一起。
Each bean has a flat side, where the other lies close to it.
每只豆子都有一边儿是平的, 跟另一只豆子贴在一块儿。

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